
Connects and Performs operations for shopify.

dev-main 2024-01-23 12:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 13:05:56 UTC


The ShopifyConnector package contains the following items:

.git: Directory containing Git metadata and history. .gitignore: File specifying untracked files to ignore. .phpunit.result.cache: Cache file generated by PHPUnit tests. Markdown file, likely containing package documentation or instructions. composer.json: JSON file specifying package dependencies and metadata. composer.lock: File locking the package dependencies to specific versions. phpunit.xml: Configuration file for PHPUnit tests. src: Directory likely containing the source code of the package. tests: Directory containing test scripts or test-related files. vendor: Directory with Composer dependencies. To document the installation and configuration of this package, the summary might include:

Installation Command: Use composer require ghazniali95/shopifyconnector to install the package. This command should be run in the project's root directory and will update both composer.json and composer.lock files.

Configuration Installation Command: After installing the package, run php artisan ShopifyConnector:install to install its configuration. This step is crucial for integrating the package with a Laravel project.

Package Contents: Briefly mention the significant directories and files included in the package, such as src for the source code, tests for the test scripts, and for detailed instructions or documentation.

Additional Information: If there are special instructions or important notes in the file, consider including a summary or pointing users to this file for more details