
Creating and handling orders

1.1.6 2023-01-02 10:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:46:50 UTC


Germania KG · OrderDispatcher

Sourcing that stuff out…


$ composer require germania-kg/order-dispatcher

Classes and interfaces

Working with orders


public function getCustomerData() : array;
public function getItems() : iterable;


public function createOrder( array $input) : OrderInterface;

public function setItemFactory(ItemFactoryInterface $item_factory);
public function getItemFactory() : ItemFactoryInterface;


This abstract class implements the Item factory interceptors defined in OrderFactoryInterface and uses the ValidatorTrait.

public function setItemFactory(ItemFactoryInterface $item_factory);
public function getItemFactory() : ItemFactoryInterface;


Creates an Order instance from an array, typically from user input.

The ArrayOrderFactory extends OrderFactoryAbstract and implements the OrderFactoryInterface.

The constructor accepts an ItemFactoryInterface, the order items array key, and optionally a PSR-3 LoggerInterface.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\ArrayOrderFactory;
use Germania\OrderDispatcher\FilterValidator;

$item_factory = ... ;
$logger = ...;

$factory = new ArrayOrderFactory($item_factory, "items");
$factory = new ArrayOrderFactory($item_factory, "items", $logger);

$customer_validation = new FilterValidator(array(
  "retailer_number" =>  [
    	"filter" => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 
    	"options" => ['regexp'=>"/^[\d\-]+$/"]
  "privacyAck"      =>  FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN

// Set customer data validation
$factory->setValidator( $customer_validation );

Usage with above setup:

$order = $factory->createOrder([
  'email' => "",
  'company' => "ACME Corp.",
  'retailer_number' => "12345",
  'privacyAck' => 1,
  'items' => array(
    [ 'sku' => "foo" , "quantity" => 5 ]

$customer = $order->getCustomerData();
$items = $order->getItems();


This controller class accepts user input from the ServerRequest body, creates an Order object underway and delegates it to the given handler.

Its constructor accepts an OrderFactoryInterface instance, an OrderHandlerInterface instance, and optionally a PSR-3 LoggerInterface.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\OrderHandlerController;

$factory = ... ;
$handler = ... ;
$logger = ... ;

$controller = new OrderHandlerController($factory, $handler);
$controller = new OrderHandlerController($factory, $handler, $logger);

Given a ServerRequest and a Response object, invoke the controller like this:

$request = $request->withParsedBody(array(
  'email'           => "",
  'company'         => "ACME Corp.",
  'retailer_number' => "12345",
  'privacyAck'      => 1,
  'articles' => array(
    [ 'sku' => 'A1', 'quantity' => 100],
    [ 'sku' => 'B2', 'quantity' => 5]

$response = $controller($request, $response);

if ($reponse->getStatusCode != 200) {
	echo $resonse->getHeaderLine('X-Order-Dispatch-Message');
Response status codes
Status code
400 When OrderFactoryExceptionInterface occured
500 When OrderHandlerExceptionInterface occured
500 any other Throwable
Response headers

In case of an error, the response object will have a X-Order-Dispatch-Message header with the class name of the thrown Exception:

if (200 != $reponse->getStatusCode()) {
	echo $resonse->getHeaderLine('X-Order-Dispatch-Message');
  // Germania\OrderDispatcher\Exceptions\OrderHandlerRuntimeException

Working with order items

Order items are the things one can order.

Item class and ItemInterface

The ItemInterface extends \ArrayAccess.

The Item class extends \ArrayObject and implements ItemInterface.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\ItemInterface;
use Germania\OrderDispatcher\Item;


public function createItem( array $order_item ) : ItemInterface;


Create an “order item” array based on any array data. Extends ItemFactoryAbstract and implements ItemFactoryInterface.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\SimpleItemFactory;

$item_factory = new SimpleItemFactory;

$item = $item_factory->createItem([
  'sku' => 'foobar',
  'quantity' => 100


Use this to restrict order items to only items from a PSR-11 Psr\Container\ContainerInterface. The array field name with which the item shall be retrieved is required, and the constructor optionally accepts a PSR-3 Logger.

Extends ItemFactoryAbstract and implements ItemFactoryInterface.

When an item is not available, a ItemNotAvailableException will be thrown.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\ContainerItemFactory;
use Germania\OrderDispatcher\Exceptions\ItemNotAvailableException;

$available = new Psr11Container( ... );

$item_factory = new ContainerItemFactory($available, "sku");
$item_factory = new ContainerItemFactory($available, "sku", $logger);

$sku = 'foobar';

try {
  $item = $item_factory->createItem([
    'sku' => $sku,
    'quantity' => 100
catch (ItemNotAvailableException $e) {
  echo "$sku is not available";


This decorator accepts any ItemFactoryInterface and a ValidatorInterface to validate the order item data.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\ValidatorItemFactoryDecorator;
use Germania\OrderDispatcher\ContainerItemFactory;

$inner = new ContainerItemFactory($available, "sku");
$validator = new SkuQtyItemValidator;

$item_factory = ValidatorItemFactoryDecorator($inner, $validator);

Render orders

Renderers are used to create a string representation from an order object, typically for emails.


Renderers accept a template string and a context variables array. In case of errors, Germania\OrderDispatcher\Exceptions\RendererExceptionInterface must be thrown.

public function render( string $template, array $context = array()) : ?string;


The TwigRenderer implements the RendererInterface. Its constructor accepts a Twig environment object, and optionally an array with default context variables.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\TwigRenderer;

$twig = ... ;

$renderer = new TwigRenderer($twig);

Work with orders


public function handle( OrderInterface $order, array $context = array()) : bool ;


The SwiftMailerOrderHandler implements the OrderHandlerInterface. Its constructor accepts a SwiftMailer instance, a mail configuration array, and a RendererInterface instance.

Typically, you will use the TwigRenderer for RendererInterface.

The mail configuration array must contain a to , from, template,and a subject element. The subject may have field variables in curly braces which are interpolated from the handle method context.

Subject and template given in mail configuration array may be overridden by mailSubject or mailTemplate entry in the context array.

The renderer will be passed the handler context with additional customer, orderItems, and datetimeNow information.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\SwiftMailerOrderHandler;

$order = ...;
$renderer = ... ;
$swift_mailer = ...;

$mail_config = array(
	'to' => array("" => "John Doe"),
  'from' => array("" => "My Webshop"),
  'template' => 'mail.tpl',
  'subject' => "{foo} {bar}"
$handler = new SwiftMailerOrderHandler($swift_mailer, $mail_config, $renderer);

$handler->handle($order, [
  'foo' => "Order"
  'bar' => "beverage"


Use this handler to mangle an order through multiple handlers.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\OrderHandlerChain;

$handlers = array();
$chain = new OrderHandlerChain($handlers);

$handler2 = new ...;
$chain->add( $handler2 );



Validates user input and returns cleaned data. Usually PHP's filter_var_array will be used.

When writing your own implementation, missing fields should be added and set to null, any additional content should be merged back.

public function validate( array $input ): array;


Interceptors for ValidatorInterface.

protected $validator;
public function setValidator( ValidatorInterface $validator );
public function getValidator() : ValidatorInterface;


This validator checks user input with PHP's filter_var_array.

  • Missing fields will be added and set to null
  • Additional “unvalidated” content will be merged back, as opposite to original filter_var_array.

The FilterValidator Implements ValidatorInterface.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\FilterValidator;

$fv = new FilterValidator([

$result = $fv->validate([
  'email' => 9999,
  'company' => 'ACME Corp.',
  'foo' => 'bar'

// Array
// (
//     [email] => false
//     [company] => ACME Corp.
//     [foo] => bar
// )


This is a predefined Validator which checks user input for sku and quantity elements. It works just like FilterValidator:

  • Missing fields will be added and set to null
  • Additional “unvalidated” content will be merged back, as opposite to original filter_var_array.
  • ItemInvalidUserDataException, when sku or quantity missing or false
  • ItemNotOrderedException, when quantity is int 0.

The SkuQtyItemValidator Implements ValidatorInterface.

use Germania\OrderDispatcher\SkuQtyItemValidator;
use Germania\OrderDispatcher\Exceptions\ItemInvalidUserDataException;
use Germania\OrderDispatcher\Exceptions\ItemNotOrderedException;

$v = new SkuQtyItemValidator();

try {
    'sku' => 'foo',
    'quantity' => 100
catch(ItemInvalidUserDataException $e) {
catch(ItemNotOrderedException $e) {
  	// quantity was 0 (!== null)


Interface sub interface Class parent
OrderFactoryExceptionInterface ItemNotAvailableException UnexpectedValueException
OrderFactoryExceptionInterface RequiredUserDataMissingException UnexpectedValueException
OrderFactoryExceptionInterface NoArticlesOrderedException Exception
OrderHandlerExceptionInterface OrderHandlerRuntimeException RuntimeException
OrderHandlerExceptionInterface ItemExceptionInterface ItemInvalidUserDataException UnexpectedValueException
OrderHandlerExceptionInterface ItemExceptionInterface ItemNotOrderedException Exception
RendererExceptionInterface RendererRuntimeException RuntimeException
ValidatorExceptionInterface ValidatorUnexpectedValueException UnexpectedValueException