
A Laravel toolkit package for common utility helpers.

1.6.0 2025-03-07 06:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 06:25:44 UTC


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A lightweight and powerful helper package for Laravel that provides utilities for strings, numbers, time, web, and phone number operations.


  • ✅ String utilities (StringKit)
  • ✅ Number utilities (NumberKit)
  • ✅ Time utilities (TimeKit)
  • ✅ Web utilities (WebKit)
  • ✅ Phone number utilities (PhoneKit)
  • ✅ Works seamlessly with Laravel facades


You can install the package via composer:

composer require gabrielesbaiz/laravel-toolkit

Laravel will automatically register the service provider and facades.

If necessary, you can manually add the service provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [

And the facades:

'aliases' => [
    'LaravelToolkit' => Gabrielesbaiz\LaravelToolkit\Facades\LaravelToolkit::class,
    'StringKit' => Gabrielesbaiz\LaravelToolkit\Facades\StringKit::class,
    'NumberKit' => Gabrielesbaiz\LaravelToolkit\Facades\NumberKit::class,
    'TimeKit' => Gabrielesbaiz\LaravelToolkit\Facades\TimeKit::class,
    'WebKit' => Gabrielesbaiz\LaravelToolkit\Facades\WebKit::class,
    'PhoneKit' => Gabrielesbaiz\LaravelToolkit\Facades\PhoneKit::class,


$laravelToolkit = new Gabrielesbaiz\LaravelToolkit();

echo $laravelToolkit->string()->startsWithLetter('Hello'); // true
echo $laravelToolkit->number()->toDecimalPoint('1.234,56'); // 1234.56
echo $laravelToolkit->time()->nowYear(); // 2025
echo $laravelToolkit->web()->isValidUrl(''); // true
echo $laravelToolkit->phoneNumber()->removePhoneCode('+391234567890'); // 1234567890

Using facade:

use LaravelToolkit;

LaravelToolkit::string()->startsWithLetter('Hello'); // true
LaravelToolkit::number()->toDecimalPoint('1.234,56'); // 1234.56
LaravelToolkit::time()->nowYear(); // 2025
LaravelToolkit::web()->isValidUrl(''); // true
LaravelToolkit::phoneNumber()->removePhoneCode('+391234567890'); // 1234567890

Using dedicated facades:


use StringKit;

StringKit::startsWithLetter("hello"); // true
StringKit::upperCase("hello"); // "HELLO"
StringKit::trimSpaces("  hello  "); // "hello"


use NumberKit;

NumberKit::numberIsBetween(10, 5, 15); // true
NumberKit::toThousandsDecimal(123456.789); // "123.456,79"


use TimeKit;

TimeKit::nowYear(); // 2025
TimeKit::dateComplete(now()); // "10/03/2025 14:30:00"


use WebKit;

WebKit::isValidUrl(""); // true


use PhoneKit;

PhoneKit::normalizePhoneNumber("+39 123 456 7890"); // "1234567890"

Available Methods


  • StringKit::startsWithNumber($string): bool - Checks if a string starts with a number.
  • StringKit::startsWithLetter($string): bool - Checks if a string starts with a letter.
  • StringKit::nullIfEmpty($string): ?string - Returns null if the string is empty.
  • StringKit::upperCase(?string $string): ?string - Converts the string to uppercase.
  • StringKit::zapSpaces(?string $string): ?string - Removes all spaces and special characters.
  • StringKit::clearSpaces(?string $string): ?string - Replaces multiple spaces with a single space.
  • StringKit::trimSpaces(?string $string): ?string - Trims spaces from both sides of a string.
  • StringKit::snakeSpaces(?string $string): ?string - Replaces spaces with underscores.
  • StringKit::clearNewLines(?string $string): ?string - Removes newline characters.
  • StringKit::clearTabs(?string $string): ?string - Removes tab characters.
  • StringKit::clearNonNumeric(?string $string): ?string - Removes all non-numeric characters from a string.
  • StringKit::normalizeNames(?string $string): ?string - Normalizes names to title case, handling apostrophes.
  • StringKit::isFemale(?string $string): bool - Determines if a name is female based on the last letter.
  • StringKit::convertToFemale(?string $string): ?string - Converts male name endings ('o') to female ('a').


  • NumberKit::toDecimalPoint(?string $value): float - Converts a formatted number to a decimal point.
  • NumberKit::toDecimalComma(?string $value): string - Converts a decimal point to a comma format.
  • NumberKit::toDecimalCommaString(?string $value): string - Converts a decimal point to a comma formatand '—' for 0 values.
  • NumberKit::toThousands(?string $value): string - Formats a number with thousand separators.
  • NumberKit::toThousandsString(?string $value): string - Formats a number with thousand separators and '—' for 0 values.
  • NumberKit::toThousandsDecimal(?string $value): string - Formats a number with thousands and two decimal places.
  • NumberKit::toCurrency(?string $value): float - Converts a number to a rounded currency format.
  • NumberKit::toFloor(mixed $value): float - Floors a number to two decimal places.
  • NumberKit::toInt(mixed $value, int $precision): int - Converts a float to an integer with precision.
  • NumberKit::rounded(mixed $value): float - Rounds a number to two decimals.
  • NumberKit::rounded4(mixed $value): float - Rounds a number to four decimals.
  • NumberKit::toIntString(?string $value): ?string - Converts an integer value to a string, returning '—' if zero or null.
  • NumberKit::toCurrencyString(?string $value): ?string - Formats a number as a currency string.
  • NumberKit::toCurrencyStringWithSign(?string $value): ?string - Formats a number as a currency string with a sign.
  • NumberKit::toCurrencyStringHtml(?string $value): ?string - Formats a number as a currency string with an HTML Euro sign.
  • NumberKit::toCurrencyIntString(?string $value): ?string - Formats an integer as a currency string.
  • NumberKit::toCurrencyIntStringHtml(?string $value): ?string - Formats an integer as a currency string with an HTML Euro sign.
  • NumberKit::toPercentageString(?string $value, ?int $decimals = null): ?string - Formats a number as a percentage.
  • NumberKit::toPercentageIntString(?string $value): ?string - Formats an integer as a percentage string.
  • NumberKit::toPercentageRoundString(?string $value): ?string - Formats a rounded number as a percentage string.
  • NumberKit::roundUpToMultiple(float $number, ?int $multiple): float - Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple.
  • NumberKit::roundDownToMultiple(float $number, ?int $multiple): float - Rounds a number down to the nearest multiple.
  • NumberKit::numberIsBetween(float $number, float $min, float $max): bool - Checks if a number is within a range.
  • NumberKit::hasPositiveSum(array $values): bool - Checks if the sum of values is positive.


  • TimeKit::nowFormat(): string - Returns the current date and time in d/m/Y H:i:s format.
  • TimeKit::nowYear(): int - Returns the current year.
  • TimeKit::todayFormat(): string - Returns today's date in d/m/Y format.
  • TimeKit::dateCompleteWithDay(?Carbon $date): ?string - Returns a full date including the weekday.
  • TimeKit::dateComplete(?Carbon $date): ?string - Returns a complete date in d/m/Y H:i:s format.
  • TimeKit::dateBase(?Carbon $date): ?string - Returns a base date in d/m/Y format.
  • TimeKit::googleDate(Carbon $date): int - Converts a Carbon date to a Google date integer.
  • TimeKit::countDaysBetween(Carbon $startDate, Carbon $endDate): int - Counts the days between two dates.
  • TimeKit::countDiffMonths(Carbon $endDate): int - Counts the month difference between now and a given date.
  • TimeKit::convertDmyToTimestamp(?string $value): ?string - Converts d/m/Y to Y-m-d H:i:s.
  • TimeKit::convertTimestampToDmy(?string $value): ?string - Converts Y-m-d H:i:s to d/m/Y.
  • TimeKit::convertTimestampToDmyHi(?string $value): ?string - Converts Y-m-d H:i:s to d/m/Y H:i.
  • TimeKit::convertIso8601ToDmyHi(?string $value): ?string - Converts an ISO8601 date to d/m/Y H:i.
  • TimeKit::convertDmyToDate(?string $value): ?string - Converts d/m/Y to Y-m-d.
  • TimeKit::convertDmyMinusToDate(?string $value): ?string - Converts d-m-Y to Y-m-d.
  • TimeKit::convertDateToDmy(?string $value): ?string - Converts Y-m-d to d/m/Y.
  • TimeKit::convertDmyhisToDate(?string $value): ?string - Converts d/m/Y H:i:s to Y-m-d.
  • TimeKit::convertDateToDmyhis(?string $value): ?string - Converts Y-m-d to d/m/Y H:i:s.
  • TimeKit::diffHumans(?Carbon $value): ?string - Returns a human-readable difference from now.
  • TimeKit::diffHumansComplete(?Carbon $value): ?string - Returns a detailed human-readable difference.
  • TimeKit::diffHumansShort(?Carbon $value): ?string - Returns a shorter human-readable difference.
  • TimeKit::countDiffDays(string $date): int - Counts the days between now and a given date.
  • TimeKit::excelToCarbon(int $excelDate): Carbon - Converts an Excel date to a Carbon date.
  • TimeKit::timeDiff(Carbon $dateTo, Carbon $dateFrom, ?int $parts = 4): string - Returns the time difference between two dates.
  • TimeKit::months(): array - Retrieves an array of month names.
  • TimeKit::monthsAbbreviations(): array - Retrieves an array of abbreviated month names.
  • TimeKit::monthName(int $monthNumber): ?string - Retrieves a month name by number.
  • TimeKit::monthNameLowercase(int $monthNumber): ?string - Retrieves a lowercase month name by number.
  • TimeKit::pastMonthNameLowercase(): string - Retrieves the name of the month two months ago.
  • TimeKit::previousMonthNameLowercase(): string - Retrieves the name of the previous month.
  • TimeKit::thisMonthNameLowercase(): string - Retrieves the name of the current month.
  • TimeKit::nextMonthNameLowercase(): string - Retrieves the name of the next month.
  • TimeKit::futureMonthNameLowercase(): string - Retrieves the name of the month two months ahead.


  • WebKit::isValidUrl(string $string): bool - Checks if a string is a valid URL.
  • WebKit::removeMailTo(?string $string): ?string - Removes 'mailto:' from an email string.


  • PhoneKit::removePhoneCode(?string $string): ?string - Removes the international dialing code from a phone number.
  • PhoneKit::normalizePhoneNumber(?string $string): ?string - Normalizes a phone number by removing the country code and spaces.
  • PhoneKit::phoneNumberHide(?string $number): ?string - Masks all but the last three digits of a phone number.


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.