free-elephants / rest-daemon
PHP http socket REST server
- amphp/aerys: ^0.7.1
- cboden/ratchet: 0.4
- free-elephants/di: ^2.0
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.0
- monolog/monolog: ^1.21
- oscarotero/psr7-middlewares: ^3.18
- psr/container: ^1.0
- psr/log: ^1.0
- relay/middleware: ^1.1
- relay/relay: ~1.0
- symfony/console: ^4.2
- symfony/routing: ^3.1
- zendframework/zend-code: ^3.1
- zendframework/zend-diactoros: ^1.3
- zendframework/zend-http: ^2.5
- zircote/swagger-php: ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- codeception/codeception: ^2.3
- free-elephants/di: Simplest PHP Dependency Injector.
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 22:37:12 UTC
Nota Bene: This project uses semver and changelog. But it's not a stable major version. Any minor update (f.e. 0.5.* -> 0.6.*) can break backward compatibility!
Simple PHP7 framework for fast building REST services based on middleware, PSR-7 and react.
Runned instance can be found by link, also see example repo.
- Middleware oriented request/response handling
- Priority PSR's support: PSR-2, -3, -4, -7, -11, -15 and other.
- Built-in Middleware to support usual REST features, like HTTP based semantics, content types, request parsing, headers.
- Choose one of two available http-daemon drivers: Ratchet ReactPHP or Aerys.
- Swagger Integration
$ composer require free-elephants/rest-daemon
See example in example/rest-server.php and documentation.
Create and Run Server:
# your rest-server.php script
$server = new RestServer('', 8080, '', ['*']); // <- it's default arguments values
# can be runned as
$ php ./rest-server.php
Add Your RESTful API Endpoints
Any endpoint method handler can be Middleware-like callable implementation: function or class with __invoke() method.
<?php class GetAttributeHandler extends AbstractEndpointMethodHandler { public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next) { $name = $request->getAttribute('name', 'World'); $response->getBody()->write('{ "hello": "' . $name . '!" }'); return $next($request, $response); } } $greetingAttributeEndpoint = new BaseEndpoint('/greeting/{name}', 'Greeting by name in path'); $greetingAttributeEndpoint->setMethodHandler('GET', new GetAttributeHandler()); $server->addEndpoint($greetingAttributeEndpoint);
See how to build server for step by step in one script
You can use php-di (or another PSR-11 container implementation) and routing file configuration with RestServerBuilder for more configuring and coding less.
See example with file based routing and dependencies configuration: rest-server.php
You can link with every method in route a handler, and optionally organize routes by modules. By default server contain 1 default module for all endpoints. See example: routes.php
Configure Common Application Middleware
By default server instance provide collection with some useful middleware. You can extend or override it:
<?php $requestCounter = function ( ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next ) { static $requestNumber = 0; printf('[%s] request number #%d handled' . PHP_EOL, date(DATE_ISO8601), ++$requestNumber); return $next($request, $response); }; $extendedDefaultMiddlewareCollection = new DefaultEndpointMiddlewareCollection([], [$requestCounter]); $server->setMiddlewareCollection($extendedDefaultMiddlewareCollection);
Every endpoint's method handler will be wrapped to this collection and called between defined as after
and before
Also you can configure default middleware collection with access to every built-in middleware by key: this collection implements ArrayAccess interface.
<?php $server->getMiddlewareCollection()->getBefore()->offsetUnset(\FreeElephants\RestDaemon\Middleware\MiddlewareRole::NO_CONTENT_STATUS_SETTER);
Customize Endpoint Middleware
... Will be implemented...
Debugging and Logging
... Will be implemented...