
This is my package laravel-query-date-helpers

v1.0.1 2023-05-08 19:17 UTC


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This package provides some useful query and eloquent builder macros regarding dates.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require frameck/laravel-query-date-helpers

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-query-date-helpers-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

use Frameck\LaravelQueryDateHelpers\Enums\DateRangeType;

return [
     * If you want to exclude the current day/week/month/year etc. in the range you could use the exclusive range here as a default.
     * Note that you can also optionally specify it for almost every macro/scope directly when using it:
     * Order::lastDays(range: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE);
     * This will do an exclusive query, even though the global default range here is set to inclusive.
     * Possible values here are: DateRangeType::INCLUSIVE or DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE
    'date_range_type' => DateRangeType::INCLUSIVE,

     * By default this package registers all the provided macros on Eloquent and Query builder.
     * If you don't want this behaviour set this value to false.
     * If you decide to not use the macros, this package provides also a trait that you can use on a specific model.
    'register_macros' => true,

     * When using Eloquent the package will use the CREATED_AT column
     * @link
     * When using Query Builder it uses the column below
    'column' => 'created_at',


  1. Using 'register_macros' => false
use Frameck\LaravelQueryDateHelpers\Traits\HasDateScopes;

class Order extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    use HasDateScopes;
  1. Using 'register_macros' => true You don't you need any additional configuration since the macro are registered directly on the Eloquent and Query builder. If you choose this option you can use all the functions listed below either querying from the model class or from the DB facade.

All the examples in this section assume that the date is May 8, 2023. Every method has a column parameter as its second to last, so you can use it in two ways:

  1. Order::weekToDate(now()->subYear(), 'date') passing all parameters
  2. Order::weekToDate(column: 'date') with named parameter

Column default:

  • when using QueryBuilder is created_at
  • when using EloquentBuilder it gets the CREATED_AT set on the model, and if it doesn't find one it defaults to the column value set in the config


  • yesterday
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • betweenDates
// yesterday, today and tomorrow methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null

// betweenDates method accept the following parameters
?Carbon $dateStart = null,
?Carbon $dateEnd = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// betweenDates method accepts these parameters

// using eloquent builder on Order model
Order::yesterday(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) = '2023-05-07'
Order::today(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) = '2023-05-08'
Order::tomorrow(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) = '2023-05-09'
Order::betweenDates(now()->startOfMonth(), now()->addMonths(2)); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-07-08'

// using query builder on DB facade
DB::table('orders')->yesterday()->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) = '2023-05-07'
DB::table('orders')->today()->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) = '2023-05-08'
DB::table('orders')->tomorrow()->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) = '2023-05-09'
DB::table('orders')->betweenDates(now()->startOfMonth(), now()->addMonths(2))->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) >= '2023-05-01' and date(`created_at`) <= '2023-07-08'


  • weekToDate
  • monthToDate
  • quarterToDate
  • yearToDate
// all toDate methods accept the following parameters
?Carbon $date = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// basic usage
Order::weekToDate(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-08' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-05-08'
// basic usage on a custom column
Order::weekToDate(column: 'date'); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`date`) >= '2023-05-08' and date(`orders`.`date`) <= '2023-05-08'
// or you can pass a Carbon instance for a custom date
Order::weekToDate(now()->subYear(), 'date'); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`date`) >= '2022-05-02' and date(`orders`.`date`) <= '2022-05-08'


  • lastMinute
  • lastHour
  • lastWeek
  • lastMonth
  • lastQuarter
  • lastYear
// all last methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

Order::lastHour(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 19:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonth(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-04-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-04-30'
Order::lastQuarter(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-01-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-03-31'


  • lastMinutes defaults at 5 minutes
  • lastHours defaults at 2 hours
  • lastDays defaults at 7 days
  • lastWeeks defaults at 2 weeks
  • lastMonths defaults at 2 months
  • lastQuarters defaults at 2 quarters
  • lastYears defaults at 2 years
// all last n methods accept the following parameters
int $numberOfMinutes = 5,
?Carbon $date = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// basic usage
Order::lastHours(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 13:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-03-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'

// more complex usage
Order::lastHours(12); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 08:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(6); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(3); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-08-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'

// even more complex usage
Order::lastHours(12, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 08:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(6, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(3, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-08-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-08 20:46:38'

// passing a DateRangeType (when DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE the <= becomes <)
Order::lastHours(12, now()->subYear(), dateRangeType: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 08:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` < '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(6, now()->subYear(), dateRangeType: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` < '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(3, now()->subYear(), dateRangeType: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-08-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` < '2022-05-08 20:46:38'


  • thisWeek
  • thisMonth
  • thisQuarter
  • thisYear
// all this methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

Order::thisWeek(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-08' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-05-14'
Order::thisMonth(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-05-31'
Order::thisQuarter(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-04-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-06-30'


  • nextMinute
  • nextHour
  • nextWeek
  • nextMonth
  • nextQuarter
  • nextYear
// all next methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

Order::nextHour(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 21:46:38'
Order::nextMonth(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-06-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-06-30'
Order::nextQuarter(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-07-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-09-30'


  • nextMinutes defaults at 5 minutes
  • nextHours defaults at 2 hours
  • nextDays defaults at 7 days
  • nextWeeks defaults at 2 weeks
  • nextMonths defaults at 2 months
  • nextQuarters defaults at 2 quarters
  • nextYears defaults at 2 years
// all next n methods accept the following parameters
int $numberOfMinutes = 5,
?Carbon $date = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// basic usage
Order::nextHours(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-09 03:46:38'
Order::nextMonths(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-07-08 20:46:38'
Order::nextQuarters(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-11-08 20:46:38'

// more complex usage
Order::nextHours(12); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-09 08:46:38'
Order::nextMonths(6); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-11-08 20:46:38'
Order::nextQuarters(3); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2024-02-08 20:46:38'

// even more complex usage
Order::nextHours(12, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-09 08:46:38'
Order::nextMonths(6, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-11-08 20:46:38'
Order::nextQuarters(3, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-02-08 20:46:38'


composer test


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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.