exegeseit / doctrinequerysearch-helper
This package aims to facilitate the creation of dynamic WHERE clauses when using Doctrine\ORM\Querybuilder or Doctrine\DBAL\Querybuilder
- php: >=8.1
- doctrine/orm: ^2.9 | ^3.0
- symfony/polyfill-ctype: ^1.0
- symfony/polyfill-mbstring: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpstan/extension-installer: ^1.2
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.10
- phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: ^1.1
- rector/rector: ^1.0
- symplify/easy-coding-standard: ^12.1
- tomasvotruba/cognitive-complexity: ^0.2
- tomasvotruba/type-coverage: ^1.0
This package aims to facilitate the creation of dynamic WHERE clauses when using Doctrine\ORM\Querybuilder or Doctrine\DBAL\Querybuilder
It rely on:
- QueryClauseBuilder, a Querybuilder helper in charge of creating the final WHERE clause, based on an array of $search conditions
- SearchFilter, a complete set of static helpers to define the $search conditions array
DoctrineQuerySearchHelper require at least PHP 8.1
Run the following command to install it in your application:
$ composer require exegeseit/doctrinequerysearch-helper
How it works / Basic usage
The basic use of this package is to create a "fetchQb" method in your entity's repository. This method will receive our $search condition array as a parameter and return a fully defined Querybuilder instance (SELECT statement + WHERE statement).
Internally, an instance of QueryClauseBuilder is used to define allowed search keys and their mapping to properties of entities involved in defining the SELECT statement part of the returned QueryBuilder instance.
The following example shows how to achieve this.
The $search parameter, on the other hand, is an associative array where each line defines one of the conditions of the final WHERE clause in the form:
searchKey_filter => searchKey_value
The searchKey_filter key is generated using the appropriate SearchFilter helper as described later in the "SearchFilter Wizards" section
Take a look at the fetchMarketQb method which creates a QueryBuilder to fetch "Market" objects. In particular, see how the different "search keys" are declared, which will allow you to filter the results. It also defines an default ORDER BY clause
// src/Repository/MarketRepository.php use App\Entity\Market; use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository; use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry; // .. use ExeGeseIT\DoctrineQuerySearchHelper\QueryClauseBuilder; // ... class MarketRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository { public function __construct(CacheInterface $cache, ManagerRegistry $registry) { parent::__construct($registry, Market::class); } public function fetchMarketQb(array $search = [], string $paginatorSort = '') { /** * Get a QueryBuilder instance and define his SELECT statement */ $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('m') ->innerJoin('m.organization', 'o') ->addSelect('o') ->leftJoin('m.funder', 'fu') ->addSelect('fu') ->leftJoin('m.userofmarkets', 'uof', Join::WITH, 'uof.isaccountable = 1') ->addSelect('uof') ->leftJoin('uof.user', 'u') ->addSelect('u') ; $qb->addOrderBy('m.name'); /** * Now, use $qb to get an intance of QueryClauseBuilder */ $clauseBuilder = QueryClauseBuilder::getInstance($qb); $clauseBuilder /** * First, we define valid searchKeys and their Entity property mapping */ ->setSearchFields([ 'idmarket' => 'm.id', 'keymarket' => 'm.key', 'idorganization' => 'o.id', 'keyorganization' => 'o.key', 'idfunder' => 'fu.id', 'keyfunder' => 'fu.key', 'idmanager' => 'u.id', 'isprivate' => 'm.isprivate', 'amount' => 'm.amount', ]) /** * We can also define "special" searchKeys. * If they appear in the $search array without any filter, * a LIKE filter is implicitly applied * In other words (in this example) these two definitions are equivalent: * $search[ SearchFilter::filter('manager') ] = 'Peter'; * $search[ SearchFilter::like('manager') ] = 'Peter'; */ ->setDefaultLikeFields([ 'funder' => 'fu.name', 'organization' => 'o.name', 'market' => 'm.name', 'manager' => "CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname)", ]) ; /** * Finally, the WHERE clause of our QueryBuilder is calculated * and our "fully defined" QueryBuilder instance is returned. */ return $clauseBuilder->getQueryBuilder($search, $paginatorSort); } }
Now, we can use our repository method to get a filtered list of Market. It also defines an default ORDER BY clause
// src/Controller/SomeController.php use App\Entity\Market; // ... use ExeGeseIT\DoctrineQuerySearchHelper\SearchFilter; // ... class SomeController { public function index(EntityManagerInterface $em) { // Markets filtering conditions $search = [ SearchFilter::filter('idorganization') => $idorganization, SearchFilter::filter('funder') => $funder, SearchFilter::equal('manager') => $manager, SearchFilter::equal('isprivate') => false, SearchFilter::or() => [ SearchFilter::equal('isprivate') => true, SearchFilter::greaterOrEqual('amount') => 5000, ], ]; $markets = $em->getRepository(Market::class)->fetchMarketQb($search) ->getQuery()->useQueryCache(true) ->getResult() ; // ... } }
SearchFilter Wizards
/** * isset($value) ? => ...WHERE {{ searchKey = $value }} * !isset($value) ? => ...WHERE {{ 1 }} * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::filter(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true)
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey = $value }} * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::equal(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey <> $value }} * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::notEqual(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey LIKE $value }} * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::like(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey NOT LIKE $value * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::notLike(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * Differs from SearchFilter::like() in that "$searchKey" is taken as is. * i.e.: the characters '%' and '_' are neither appended nor escaped * * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey LIKE $value }} * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::likeStrict(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * Differs from SearchFilter::notLike() in that "$searchKey" is taken as is. * i.e.: the characters '%' and '_' are neither appended nor escaped * * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey NOT LIKE $value * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::notLikeStrict(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey IS NULL * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::null(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey IS NOT NULL * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::notNull(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey > $value * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::greater(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey >= $value * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::greaterOrEqual(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey < $value * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::lower(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND searchKey <= $value }} * * @param string $searchKey * @param bool $tokenize if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness * @return string */ SearchFilter::lowerOrEqual(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string
SearchFilter also provide two Composition helper:
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ AND ( .. OR .. OR ..) }} * * @return string */ SearchFilter::andOr(): string
/** * ...WHERE 1 * {{ OR ( .. AND .. AND ..) }} * * @return string */ SearchFilter::or(): string