
A local development toolset for automating Docker setup and Drupal development.

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3.0.3 2021-08-24 16:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 23:54:50 UTC


A local development toolset developed with the support of Digital Pulp.

Key contributors:

A Composer template for Drupal and WordPress projects with Docker

This project template automates Docker based local development with using DDEV as a foundation.

  • Site dependencies managed with Composer and initial Composer plugins are compatible with Composer 2.
  • Automated setup of DDEV.

Getting Started

  1. First you need to install composer. Note: The instructions below refer to the global composer installation. You might need to replace composer with php composer.phar (or similar) for your setup.

  2. Ballast will check your system for needed software. If anything is missing, a list of missing packages will be provided.

  3. We recommend that you place all your Ballast projects in a single parent directory, such as ~/BallastSites/.

  4. OS Specific Notes:

  • macOS: Your Docker Sites need a home. DDEV uses Docker for Mac which manages file exports to Docker. This is well known to have performance issues on macOS. Once you have confirmed that the project loads properly then we recommend that you transition to use NFS for the mounted filesystem. We have extracted and automated the setup described in the DDEV docs: ahoy setup-nfs
  • Windows Linux Subsystem: Build and manage your Ballast sites within Linux. DDev recommends this approach for Windows users.
  • Native Linux: Follow one of the installation methods for DDev.

Upgrading to 3.x

You will see an http-proxy container running in Docker Desktop. This container will create a conflict with ddev. If you are only testing 3.x then simply stop this container. If you are changing to 3.x completely, you can delete this container. If you have to run 2.x after deleting, the 2.x version of ahoy harbor will restore it.

Managing Theme Tasks

There are ahoy commands for running theme tasks in the front-end container, so you can choose to not install node on your host. When you first setup a site with an established theme, you will probably need to run ahoy npm install --no-save to install the node based theme tools. Additional ahoy commands for front-end task can be found via ahoy --help.

Initial Setup

After the initial setup, you should delete the Initial Setup section of this README.

In the folder chosen or created under Getting Started, composer create-project digitalpulp/ballast your_project.

Edit composer.json

There is also a project specific value to set here, which is the path to bower components in the custom theme file. Edit the extra section to add a path to the theme bower_components directory. An example entry is shown as the last line in the snippet below:

"extra": {
        "installer-types": ["bower-asset"],
        "installer-paths": {
            "docroot/core": ["type:drupal-core"],
            "docroot/libraries/{$name}": ["type:drupal-library"],
            "docroot/modules/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-module"],
            "docroot/profiles/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-profile"],
            "docroot/themes/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-theme"],
            "drush/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-drush"],
            "docroot/themes/custom/theme_name/bower_components/{$name}": ["type:bower-asset"]

This can be changed to npm-asset if that fits your project better.

In addition, an additional property is available for the drupal-scaffold key in the extra property:

"file-mapping": {
        "[web-root]/.htaccess": false,
        "[web-root]/.eslintrc.json": false,
        "[web-root]/.ht.router.php": false,
        "[web-root]/INSTALL.txt": false,
        "[web-root]/README.txt": false,
        "[web-root]/autoload.php": false,
        "[web-root]/example.gitignore": false,
        "[web-root]/index.php": false,
        "[web-root]/robots.txt": false,
        "[web-root]/update.php": false,
        "[web-root]/web.config": false,
        "[web-root]/sites/default/settings.php": false

These will block that file from being changed when core is updated or added to the project.


Replace the original composer.json file with the wordpress-composer.json and running composer update.

Initial Composer Install

You may wish to require an initial line up of contributed modules or WordPress plugins. (See Updates and Maintenance below). If you are not adding modules at first, you may run composer update nothing to generate an initial composer.lock file. Either way, committing the result will speed setup for other members of your team.

Run composer robo setup:cloned

An interview and automated setup will run and configure much of the project for you. Note: Testing shows that Composer 1.x does not support interactive scripts. If you are still on Composer 1, use php scripts/robo/BallastRunner.php setup:clone instead. Ahoy commands will be setup as part of this process if you accept the offer to also run setup:project, which will enable ahoy robo for running other advanced commands.

Set a node version in your custom theme.

The front-end container expects a .node-version file in the theme directory. See the nodenv documentation.

Prepare for Codeship Pro

We use Codeship Pro to deploy projects built on this template. A free tier is available. All commits on the develop branch will be built and deployed.

Docker Environment Variables

There are two environment variables and one path which need to be set in codeship-services.yml found in the root of the project repo:

  • front-end : environment : THEME_NAME - The folder/machine name of your custom theme. This folder should be present in docroot/themes/custom. If you set site_theme_path in setup/config.yml then also set THEME_PATH here to the same value.
  • front-end : working_dir - set this value to the full path in the container to the theme folder. Usually /var/www/docroot/themes/custom/yourtheme
  • deploy : environment : DEPLOY_TARGET - The url of the git remote to which Codeship will push the build artifact.

Encrypted Environment Variables

Deployment credentials should not be stored in the repo in the clear, but Codeship will decrypt these environment variables on each build. You will need to install the Codeship CLI tool Jet to accomplish these steps.

  1. Create a new Codeship Pro project.
  2. Open Project Settings and browse to the General tab.
  3. Scroll down and download the AES Key.
  4. Move this key into the project root and rename it codeship.aes
  5. Create a new file named env (Both this file and codeship.aes are set to be ignored by git).
  6. Copy or create a private key that matches the public key installed in your target git remote to the project root or to a /keys directory in the project.
  7. Use the ahoy commands to bring up the local project.
  8. Use advanced command ahoy key-prep path/to/private_key to get your private key in a one-line format and appended to the env file.
  9. Execute ssh user@git_remote_url if you have not accessed this git remote before to add the remote to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
  10. Define the environment variables in env copying the appropriate line from ~/.ssh/known_hosts, and the name and email to use when commiting the build like this:
    SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=one-line-key copied from the terminal
    GIT_KNOWN_HOST=entire line matching the git remote copied from `~/.ssh/known_hosts`
  11. Encrypt the file using Jet: jet encrypt env env.encrypted
  12. Remove or move the key created in step 6 - do not commit the private key!
  13. Commit env.encrypted to the repo.

Using a Passphrase protected key in the CI Service

Some projects, such as ecommerce projects, should have all ssh keys protected with a passphrase. This is not particularly an issue for keys used by humans, but the key used by a continuous integration service requires automation. The approach used here assumes that the CI environment is using our containers and is therefore created for each build. This example expects the CI service to be Codeship, which you can adapt if you use a different service.

Additional Environment Variables
  1. Add the passphrase into the env file described above as SSHPASS=key and re-encrypt the file.
  2. Add an environment variable to environment section of the deploy service in the codeship-services.yml file:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/root/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock ssh
Manually Connect Once

If the key in question has never been used to authenticate to the remote git service, ssh-agent will still prompt for the passphrase as discussed in this StackExchange comment. Use ssh -i to connect once to the git service from the command line on your local using the CI key. Supply the passphrase at the prompt and the git service will be primed for use by your CI user.

Advanced ahoy commands for Tech Leads

There are some additional commands in the ahoy.yml file marked "Advanced" which do not appear in response to ahoy --help These are intended for tech leads that may need to shell in the docker container for some purpose.

Install the Project

composer install

All docker dependencies and Drupal core dependencies along with Drupal core will be installed.

You should commit all files not excluded by the .gitignore file.

What does the template do?

When installing the given composer.json some tasks are taken care of:

  • Drupal will be installed in the docroot-directory.
  • Autoloader is implemented to use the generated composer autoloader in vendor/autoload.php, instead of the one provided by Drupal (docroot/vendor/autoload.php).
  • Modules (packages of type drupal-module) will be placed in docroot/modules/contrib/
  • Theme (packages of type drupal-theme) will be placed in docroot/themes/contrib/
  • Profiles (packages of type drupal-profile) will be placed in docroot/profiles/contrib/
  • Creates default writable versions of settings.php and services.yml.
  • Creates docroot/sites/default/files-directory.
  • Latest version of drush is installed locally for use at vendor/bin/drush.
  • Latest version of DrupalConsole is installed locally for use at vendor/bin/drupal.
  • The local machine is checked for dependencies to run the docker development setup. Any missing dependencies are installed via homebrew. The following are required for Mac:
    • DDEV Local
    • Docker Desktop
    • Docker Compose
    • pre-commit by Yelp
  • Strongly suggested but not required:
    • Ahoy

Updates and Maintenance

Updating Drupal Core

This project will attempt to keep all of your Drupal Core files up-to-date; the project drupal/core-composer-scaffold is used to ensure that your scaffold files are updated every time drupal/core is updated. If you customize any of the "scaffolding" files (commonly .htaccess), you may need to merge conflicts if any of your modified files are updated in a new release of Drupal core. See the drupal-scaffold section above to block updates to any of these files.

Follow the steps below to update your core files.

  1. Run composer update drupal/core-recommended drupal/core-composer-scaffold drupal/core-dev --with-all-dependencies to update Drupal Core and its dependencies.
  2. Run git diff to determine if any of the scaffolding files have changed. Review the files for any changes and restore any customizations to .htaccess or robots.txt.
  3. Commit everything all together in a single commit, so docroot will remain in sync with the core when checking out branches or running git bisect.
  4. In the event that there are non-trivial conflicts in step 2, you may wish to perform these steps on a branch, and use git merge to combine the updated core files with your customized files. This facilitates the use of a three-way merge tool such as kdiff3. This setup is not necessary if your changes are simple; keeping all of your modifications at the beginning or end of the file is a good strategy to keep merges easy.

Updating WordPress

Edit the version number and url in the package definition embedded in the composer.json. See:

Updating and maintaining composer.json

At the Managing Drupal Projects with Composer BOF at DrupalCon Baltimore, one of the common pain points was merge conflicts in composer.json and composer.lock. It was the strong consensus of those gathered that for development teams, there should be one designated maintainer on the team for these files. New modules, updates and so forth should be requested from the maintainer, who is generally the project lead.

With composer require ... you can download new dependencies, including Drupal contributed modules to your installation. To install the latest versions of multiple modules:

composer require drupal/block_visibility_groups drupal/config_split drupal/easy_breadcrumb drupal/focal_point drupal/media_entity_image drupal/media_entity_browser drupal/field_formatter drupal/paragraphs drupal/inline_entity_form drupal/pathauto drupal/page_manager drupal/viewsreference

You also can require bower components:

composer require bower-asset/formstone

The stability minimum is set to stable. You will need to flag specific packages if you need a lower stability.

Local Developement Commands

The docker best practice is to work in the host and send commands to a container when needed. This project uses Ahoy as an abstraction tool to further simplify this flow for developers. Ahoy commands work anywhere at or below the root directory of the project.

ahoy -h will list all Ahoy commands.


Should I commit the contrib modules I download?

Composer recommends no. They provide argumentation against but also workrounds if a project decides to do it anyway.

Should I commit the scaffolding files?

The drupal-scaffold plugin can download the scaffold files (like index.php, update.php, …) to the docroot/ directory of your project. We generally commit these. If you have not customized those files you could choose to not check them into your version control system (e.g. git). If that is the case for your project it might be convenient to automatically run the drupal-scaffold plugin after every install or update of your project. You can achieve that by registering @drupal-scaffold as post-install and post-update command in your composer.json:

"scripts": {
    "drupal-scaffold": "DrupalComposer\\DrupalScaffold\\Plugin::scaffold",
    "post-install-cmd": [
    "post-update-cmd": [

How can I apply patches to downloaded modules?

If you need to apply patches (depending on the project being modified, a pull request is often a better solution), you can do so with the composer-patches plugin.

To add a patch to drupal module foobar insert the patches section in the extra section of composer.json:

"extra": {
    "patches": {
        "drupal/foobar": {
            "Patch description": "URL to patch"


We are grateful for the following open source projects that made this project possible!