dhl / sdk-api-ecom-us
DHL eCommerce US API SDK
2021-03-17 15:51 UTC
- php: ^7.1.0
- ext-json: *
- netresearch/jsonmapper: ^1.4.0
- php-http/discovery: ^1.0.0
- php-http/httplug: ^2.0.0
- php-http/logger-plugin: ^1.0.0
- psr/http-client: ^1.0.0
- psr/http-client-implementation: ^1.0.0
- psr/http-factory: ^1.0.0
- psr/http-factory-implementation: ^1.0.0
- psr/http-message: ^1.0.0
- psr/http-message-implementation: ^1.0.0
- psr/log: ^1.1.0
Requires (Dev)
- nyholm/psr7: ^1.0.0
- php-http/mock-client: dev-upgrade-version-2
- phpstan/phpstan: ^0.12.2
- phpunit/phpunit: ^7.0.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.4
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-22 15:52:16 UTC
The DHL eCommerce US API SDK package offers an interface to the following web services:
- DHL eCommerce Solutions Americas API, version 4
System Requirements
- PHP 7.1+ with JSON extension
Package Requirements
: Mapper for deserialization of JSON response messages into PHP objectsphp-http/discovery
: Discovery service for HTTP client and message factory implementationsphp-http/httplug
: Pluggable HTTP client abstractionphp-http/logger-plugin
: HTTP client logger plugin for HTTPlugpsr/http-client
: PSR-18 HTTP client interfacespsr/http-factory
: PSR-7 HTTP message factory interfacespsr/http-message
: PSR-7 HTTP message interfacespsr/log
: PSR-3 logger interfaces
Virtual Package Requirements
: Any package that provides a PSR-18 compatible HTTP clientpsr/http-factory-implementation
: Any package that provides PSR-7 compatible HTTP message factoriespsr/http-message-implementation
: Any package that provides PSR-7 HTTP messages
Development Package Requirements
: PSR-7 HTTP message factory & message implementationphpunit/phpunit
: Testing frameworkphp-http/mock-client
: HTTPlug mock client implementationphpstan/phpstan
: Static analysis toolsquizlabs/php_codesniffer
: Static analysis tool
$ composer require dhl/sdk-api-ecom-us
$ composer remove dhl/sdk-api-ecom-us
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml
The DHL eCommerce US API SDK supports the following features:
- Create Label
- Create Manifest
Label Creation
Create labels for DHL eCommerce including the relevant shipping documents.
Public API
The library's components suitable for consumption comprise
- services:
- service factory
- label service
- data transfer object builder
- data transfer objects:
- authentication storage
- label with package identifiers and label data
$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger(); $authStorage = new \Dhl\Sdk\EcomUs\Model\Auth\AuthenticationStorage( $username = 'u5er', $password = 'p4ss' ); $serviceFactory = new \Dhl\Sdk\EcomUs\Service\ServiceFactory(); $service = $serviceFactory->createLabelService($authStorage, $logger, $sandbox = true); $requestBuilder = new \Dhl\Sdk\EcomUs\Model\Label\LabelRequestBuilder(); $requestBuilder->setShipperAccount( $pickupAccountNumber = '5323000', $distributionCenter = 'USMCO1' ); $requestBuilder->setShipperAddress( $country = 'US', $postalCode = '33324', $city = 'Plantation', $streetLines = ['1210 South Pine Island Road'], $company = 'DHL eCommerce' ); $requestBuilder->setReturnAddress( $country = 'US', $postalCode = '33324', $city = 'Plantation', $streetLines = ['1210 South Pine Island Road'], $company = 'DHL eCommerce' ); $requestBuilder->setRecipientAddress( $country = 'US', $postalCode = '90232', $city = 'Culver City', $streetLines = ['10441 Jefferson Blvd.', 'Suite 200'], $name = 'Jane Doe', $company = 'Foo Factory', $email = '', $phone = '800 123456', $state = 'CA' ); $requestBuilder->setPackageId($uniquePackageId = 'TEST-9876543210'); $requestBuilder->setPackageDetails( $shippingProduct = 'PLT', $currency = 'USD', $packageWeight = 1.2, $weightUnit = 'LB' ); $labelRequest = $requestBuilder->create(); $label = $service->createLabel($labelRequest);
Create a package manifest and retrieve documentation.
Public API
The library's components suitable for consumption comprise
- services:
- service factory
- manifest service
- data transfer objects:
- authentication storage
- manifest with documents and package errors
$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger(); $authStorage = new \Dhl\Sdk\EcomUs\Model\Auth\AuthenticationStorage( $username = 'u5er', $password = 'p4ss' ); $serviceFactory = new \Dhl\Sdk\EcomUs\Service\ServiceFactory(); $service = $serviceFactory->createManifestationService($authStorage, $logger, $sandbox = true); // create manifest for all available packages $manifest = $service->createManifest($pickupAccountNumber = '5323000'); // OR create manifest for certain packages, identified by number $manifest = $service->createPackageManifest( $pickupAccountNumber = '5323000', $packageIds = [ "TEST-0123456789", "TEST-9876543210" ] ); // documentation may not be instantly available, try again later if ($manifest->getStatus() !== \Dhl\Sdk\EcomUs\Api\Data\ManifestInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED) { $manifest = $service->getManifest( $pickupAccountNumber = '5323000', $requestId = $manifest->getRequestId() ); }