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This package creates to decrease working time that spent on admin panels

v1.1.6 2020-09-03 19:59 UTC


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This package was created to reduce the time spent on creating dashboards, with a small, robust package. It comes with users, roles, permissions and settings resources. This means that when installing this package you will be able to manage those resources. And now it's your time to add more with simple commands. The design created by Creative Tim to make the dashboard tidy and carefully designed.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require devnile/microboard


First you need to make your User's model extends from Microboard's User

use Microboard\Models\User as Microboard;

class User extends Microboard

Now we need to install the package's assets. Do the following in your Terminal:

php artisan microboard:install

It will ask you if you want a new admin, do this if you want.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.