
PHP rate limiting library with Token Bucket and Leaky Bucket Algorithms, based on palepurple/rate-limit, grandson to touhonoob/rate-limit, and jeroenvisser101/LeakyBucket

3.0.1 2022-08-18 08:20 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-18 14:14:55 UTC


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PHP Rate Limiting library with both Token Bucket and Leaky Bucket Algorithms, minimal external dependencies, and many storage backends.


  • Token Bucket Algorithm Token Bucket is an algorithm which works as follows:

    • There is a bucket.
    • A token is added to the bucket every 1/r seconds.
    • The bucket can hold at the most b tokens. If a token arrives when the bucket is full, it is discarded.
    • When a packet (network layer PDU) of n bytes arrives,
      • If at least n tokens are in the bucket, n tokens are removed from the bucket, and the packet is sent to the network.
      • if fewer than n tokens are available, no tokens are removed from the bucket, and the packet is considered to be non-conformant.
  • Leaky Bucket Algorithm Leaky Bucket is an algorithm which works as follows:

    • There is a bucket.
    • The bucket has a defined leak and defined capacity.
    • The bucket leaks at a constant rate.
    • Overflows when full, will not add other drops to the bucket.

Storage Adapters

The RateLimiter needs to know where to get/set data.

Depending on which adapter you install, you may need to install additional libraries (predis/predis or tedivm/stash) or PHP extensions (e.g. Redis, Memcache, APCu)

Installing via Composer

curl -sS | php
composer.phar require detain/rate-limit


Token Bucket

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use \Detain\RateLimit\RateLimit;
use \Detain\RateLimit\Adapter\APCu as APCAdapter;
use \Detain\RateLimit\Adapter\Redis as RedisAdapter;
use \Detain\RateLimit\Adapter\Predis as PredisAdapter;
use \Detain\RateLimit\Adapter\Memcached as MemcachedAdapter;
use \Detain\RateLimit\Adapter\Stash as StashAdapter;

$adapter = new APCAdapter(); // Use APC as Storage
// Alternatives:
// $adapter = new RedisAdapter((new \Redis()->connect('localhost'))); // Use Redis as Storage
// $adapter = new PredisAdapter(new \Predis\Predis(['tcp://'])); // Use Predis as Storage
// $memcache = new \Memcached();
// $memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211);
// $adapter = new MemcacheAdapter($memcache); 
// $stash = new \Stash\Pool(new \Stash\Driver\FileSystem());
// $adapter = new StashAdapter($stash);

$rateLimit = new RateLimit("myratelimit", 100, 3600, $adapter); // 100 Requests / Hour

$id = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Use client IP as identity
if ($rateLimit->check($id)) {
  echo "passed";
} else {
  echo "rate limit exceeded";

Leaky Bucket

Basic usage


use \Detain\RateLimit\LeakyBucket;
use \Detain\RateLimit\Adapter\Redis as RedisAdapter;

$adapter = new RedisAdapter((new \Redis()->connect('localhost'))); // Use Redis as Storage

// Define the bucket
$settings = [
	'capacity' => 10,
	'leak'     => 1

// Create the bucket
$bucket = new LeakyBucket('example-bucket', $storage, $settings);

// Fill the bucket

// Check if it's full
if ($bucket->isFull()) {
	header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
	exit '<!doctype html><html><body><h1>429 Too Many Requests</h1><p>You seem to be doing a lot of requests. You\'re now cooling down.</p></body></html>';

// ...

Other functionality

You can also do great stuff with it through the methods that LeakyBucket provides.

// Get capacity information
$capacityTotal = $bucket->getCapacity();
$capacityLeft  = $bucket->getCapacityLeft();
$capacityUsed  = $bucket->getCapacityUsed();

// Get the drops/second that the bucket leaks
$leakPerSecond = $bucket->getLeak();

// Get the last timestamp from when the bucket was updated
$timestamp = $bucket->getLastTimestamp();

// Set additional data
		'timeout' => 3600

// Get additional data
$data = $bucket->getData();

// Update the bucket with the leaked drops

// Remove excess drops

// Update the bucket's timestamp manually

// Fill the bucket with one drop

// Fill the bucket with 5 drops

// Spill one drop from the bucket

// Spill 5 drops from the bucket

// Remove the bucket's content

// Force save


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PSR-7 Middleware Handlers to Base the Future PSR7 Support Off Of

  • nikolaposa/rate-limit 🚔 Standalone component that facilitates rate-limiting functionality. Also provides a middleware designed for API and/or other application endpoints.
  • robwittman/leaky-bucket-rate-limiter PSR-7 Leaky Bucket Rate Limiter - This middleware enables API Rate-Limiting based on a Leaky Bucket algorithm.