
A collection of classes to be extended/used in laravel applications for quick development

v6.3.11 2025-02-17 07:19 UTC


A collection of classes to be extended/used in laravel applications for quick development.


The library contains traits with well documented methods that should be used by controllers and models to enhance coding speed.


composer require d-scribe/laraquick


>= v1.*

  • PHP >= 7.0
  • Laravel - ~5.5
  • Guzzle - ~6.0


  • PHP >= 5.6.0
  • Laravel - 5.4.*
  • Laravel Fractal - ^4.0
  • Guzzle - ~6.0


An example controller for a Book model is:

use App\Book;
use Laraquick\Controllers\Traits\Api;

class BookController extends Controller {

    use Api;

    protected function model(): string
        return Book::class;

    // if you have a custom form request class
    protected function validationRequest(): string
        return BookRequest::class;

    // if you don't have a custom form request class
    protected function validationRules(array $data, $id = null): array
        return [
            'title' => 'required|max:200',
            'author' => 'required|max:50',
            'genre' => 'required'

And with just the above, the controller would take care of listing (w/ pagination), and all CRUD operations and give the right JSON responses.

Route::httpResource('books', BookController::class);

What if Web and not API?

Oh, that's covered too with the version 1.5 and above. Just swap out the Api trait for its Web counterpart, and you're good.


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Contributions are absolutely welcome. Create a PR and I'll as swiftly as possible merge it up.