
A database with ISO country information in all configured translations


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This package provides ready-to-use application models and seeds the database with ISO data from various sources. This package can be used in multi-language apps and supports Country/Language/Currency names in almost any locale.

Included datasets

Unlike other packages, this one also includes relevant data relationships, such as:

// Official languages spoken in Luxembourg ('LU')

// Currencies used in Ghana ('GH')

// Countries that have Spanish ('es') as one of their official languages 

// Countries that use the Euro ('EUR') as currency


You can install the package via composer:

composer require cyberionsys/laravel-countries

The latest version of this package requires PHP version 8.1 or above.


Optionally, you can publish the database migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cyberionsys\Countries\CountriesServiceProvider" --tag="countries-migrations"

By default, this database includes all country/language/&currency names translated into English, German, French, and Spanish. If you want to compile your own database with other languages, please see the instructions here.


Optionally, you can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cyberionsys\Countries\CountriesServiceProvider" --tag="countries-config"

In the config you can define, which translations of country/language/currency names you want to store in your DB.

This is the contents of the published config file:

    // Supported locales for names (countries, languages, currencies)
    'locales' => [

After making changes to the config you need to re-migrate your database:

Warning This will recreate your entire database. Please take appropriate cautions before running it

php artisan migrate:refresh


Country model


Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Country {
     id: "AD",
     alpha3: "AND",
     name: "{"en":"Andorra","de":"Andorra","fr":"Andorre","es":"Andorra"}",
     native_name: "Andorra",
     capital: "Andorra la Vella",
     top_level_domain: ".ad",
     calling_code: "376",
     region: "Europe",
     subregion: "Southern Europe",
     population: 78014,
     lat: 42.5,
     lon: 1.5,
     demonym: "Andorran",
     area: 468,

Language model


Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Language {
     id: "pt",
     iso639_2: "por",
     iso639_2b: null,
     name: "{"en":"Portuguese","de":"Portugiesisch","fr":"portugais","es":"portugu\u00e9s"}",
     native_name: "Português",
     family: "Indo-European",
     wiki_url: "",

Currency model


Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Currency {
     id: "COP",
     name: "{"en":"Colombian Peso","de":"Kolumbianischer Peso","fr":"peso colombien","es":"peso colombiano"}",
     name_plural: "Colombian pesos",
     symbol: "CO$",
     symbol_native: "$",
     decimal_digits: 0,
     rounding: 0,

Query relationships

All models have pre-defined many-to-many relationships that can be queried:

// Retrieve languages that are spoken in Luxembourg

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {                                                                  
     all: [                                                                                                        
       Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Language {                                                                   
         id: "de",                                                                                                 
         iso639_2: "deu",                                                                                          
         iso639_2b: "ger",                                                                                         
         name: "{"en":"German","de":"Deutsch","fr":"allemand","es":"alem\u00e1n"}",                                
         native_name: "Deutsch",                                                                                   
         family: "Indo-European",                                                                                  
         wiki_url: "",                                                
       Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Language {                                                                   
         id: "fr",                                                                                                 
         iso639_2: "fra",                                                                                          
         iso639_2b: "fre",                                                                                         
         name: "{"en":"French","de":"Franz\u00f6sisch","fr":"fran\u00e7ais","es":"franc\u00e9s"}",                 
         native_name: "français, langue française",                                                                
         family: "Indo-European",                                                                                  
         wiki_url: "",                                                
       Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Language {                                                                   
         id: "lb",                                                                                                 
         iso639_2: "ltz",                                                                                          
         iso639_2b: null,                                                                                          
         name: "{"en":"Luxembourgish","de":"Luxemburgisch","fr":"luxembourgeois","es":"luxemburgu\u00e9s"}",       
         native_name: "Lëtzebuergesch",                                                                            
         family: "Indo-European",                                                                                  
         wiki_url: "",                                         
// Retrieve all countries that use the Euro (EUR) as currency.

Illuminate\Support\Collection {
     all: [
       "Åland Islands",
       "St. Barthélemy",
       "French Guiana",
       "St. Martin",
       "St. Pierre & Miquelon",
       "San Marino",
       "French Southern Territories",
       "Vatican City",
       "Republic of Kosovo",

Localized names

Each of the package models (Country, Language, Currency) has a ->name attribute, which will be displayed in the app's locale, using the spatie/laravel-translatable package. The default config will migrate localized names for en, de, fr, and es. This can be adjusted in the config. The config app.locale and app.fallback_locale are automatically included.

// Set the app locale

// Retrieve the top 10 countries in Africa (by population):
Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Country::where('region', 'Africa')->orderByDesc('population')->limit(10)->pluck('name');

// Country names will be returned according to the app locale (fr = French)
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
     all: [
       "Afrique du Sud",

Attribute casting

If you already use ISO codes in your models, you can enrich them by casting them as Country/Language/Currency model:

use Cyberionsys\Countries\Casts\AsCurrency;

class MyModel{
    // ...

    protected $casts = [
        'currency' => AsCurrency::class,
    // ...

// Now you can dynamically retrieve all meta data associated with the currency

Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Currency {
     id: "JPY",
     name: "{"en":"Japanese Yen","de":"Japanischer Yen","fr":"yen japonais","es":"yen"}",
     name_plural: "Japanese yen",
     symbol: "¥",
     symbol_native: "",
     decimal_digits: 0,
     rounding: 0,

// When filling the model, the ISO code (string) or the model can be used 
MyModel::first()->update(['currency' => 'USD']);
MyModel::first()->update(['currency' => Cyberionsys\Countries\Models\Currency::find('USD')]);


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.