
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the ctrl-f5/ctrl-rad-bundle package instead.

Symfony CtrlRadBundle

v1.0.2 2016-01-28 08:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-03-08 11:42:02 UTC


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This bundle provides components to have a Symfony application up and running ASAP.

There is a Fork available that implements this bundle in the Symfony2 standard distribution.

What's inside?

  • Layout based on StartBootstrap Admin 2 including:
    • Twig Extensions for easy use of Twitter Bootstrap components suck as label and pagination.
    • easy configurable layout and templates for sidebar, topbar and breadcrumbs
    • FOSUserBundle template overrides
  • Basic configurable CRUD components
    • provided index and edit actions
    • index has a configurable grid with pagination and optional filtering
  • EntityService layer
    • provides a layer between the controllers and doctrine to put business logic that doesn't fit in any entity
    • provides basic methods to fetch data, optionally filtered and sorted
    • find methods provide easy availability to pagination
  • TableView
    • Configurable columns and row actions
    • automatic pagination
    • automatic filtering in CRUD index action

SB Admin 2

The default layout is StartBootstrap Admin 2, which is included through bower, so you can update it easily if needed.

There are several blocks you can override to control different parts: - topbar - sidebar - breadcrumbs

The app title that's used in the topbar and the html title can be set through the twig variable app_title.
This can also be set globally:

    app_title: "My App"

Twig Extensions

  • Filters
    • label: converts a string or boolean to a bootstrap label, booleans are converted to yes or no
    • is_type: check if the variable is of a certain type
    • call: calls a php callable variable
  • Functions
    • page_title: prints the html for a page title for bootstrap
    • pagination: prints the html for a pagination for bootstrap
    • is_type: check if the variable is of a certain type
    • button and buttonGroup: render bootstrap buttons
    • table: render a TableView

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