conviu / kaufland-seller-api
This is the Seller API v2. You can find more information on [](
Installs: 1 271
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 2
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- php: ^8.3
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.8 || ^2.0
- php-http/async-client-implementation: ^1.0
- php-http/client-common: ^2.4
- php-http/discovery: ^1.14
- php-http/httplug: ^2.2
- psr/http-client-implementation: ^1.0
- psr/http-factory: ^1.0
- psr/http-factory-implementation: ^1.0
- psr/http-message: ^1.0 || 2.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.54
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.0
- php-http/guzzle7-adapter: ^1.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-10 13:25:39 UTC
This is the Seller API v2. You can find more information on
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.2 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ], "require": { "conviu/kaufland-seller-api": "*@dev" } }
Then run composer install
Your project is free to choose the http client of your choice Please require packages that will provide http client functionality:
As an example:
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle php-http/guzzle7-adapter http-interop/http-factory-guzzle
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
<?php require_once('/path/to/OpenAPIClient-php/vendor/autoload.php');
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); $apiInstance = new KauflandSellerApi\Api\AttributesApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `Psr18ClientDiscovery` will be used to find http client. For instance `GuzzleHttp\Client` implements that interface new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $id_attribute = 21; // int | The ID of the attribute $storefront = new \KauflandSellerApi\Model\Storefront(); // Storefront | Specifies the store by country $locale = new \KauflandSellerApi\Model\ProductDataLocale(); // ProductDataLocale | Allows clients to consume the data in languages that are different from the storefront-default locale try { $result = $apiInstance->getAttribute($id_attribute, $storefront, $locale); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AttributesApi->getAttribute: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to /v2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AttributesApi | getAttribute | GET /attributes/{id_attribute} | Get attribute by ID |
AttributesApi | getAttributeByName | GET /attributes/by-name/{name} | Get attribute by name |
AttributesApi | getAttributeList | GET /attributes | Get an attribute list |
AttributesApi | getAttributeListBySearch | GET /attributes/search | Get attributes by search term |
AttributesApi | getSharedSetCsvFileByAttributeId | GET /attributes/{id_attribute}/shared-set-values | Get the URL of a CSV file containing the shared set values for a specific attribute ID |
AttributesApi | getSharedSetListBySearchAndAttributeId | GET /attributes/{id_attribute}/shared-set | Get shared-set by search term and attribute id |
BuyboxApi | getOffersRankings | GET /buybox | Get a list of offers rankings for a product |
CarriersApi | getCarriers | GET /carriers | Get a list of available carriers |
CategoriesApi | decideCategory | POST /categories/decide | Guess categories |
CategoriesApi | getCategoriesList | GET /categories | Get category list by search term |
CategoriesApi | getCategory | GET /categories/{id_category} | Get category by ID |
CategoriesApi | getCategoryTree | GET /categories/tree | Get complete category tree |
ImportFilesApi | createInventoryCommandImportFile | POST /import-files/inventory-command | Add an INVENTORY_COMMAND file URL |
ImportFilesApi | createInventoryFeedImportFile | POST /import-files/inventory-feed | Add an INVENTORY_FEED file URL |
ImportFilesApi | createOrderCommandImportFile | POST /import-files/order-command | Add an ORDER_COMMAND file URL |
ImportFilesApi | getInventoryCommandImportFile | GET /import-files/inventory-command/{id_import_file} | Get an inventory command import file by ID |
ImportFilesApi | getInventoryCommandImportFiles | GET /import-files/inventory-command | Get a list of your inventory command import files |
ImportFilesApi | getInventoryFeedImportFile | GET /import-files/inventory-feed/{id_import_file} | Get an inventory feed import file by ID |
ImportFilesApi | getInventoryFeedImportFiles | GET /import-files/inventory-feed | Get a list of your inventory feed import files |
ImportFilesApi | getOrderCommandImportFile | GET /import-files/order-command/{id_import_file} | Get an order command import file by ID |
ImportFilesApi | getOrderCommandImportFiles | GET /import-files/order-command | Get a list of your order command import files |
InfoApi | getAllLocales | GET /info/locale | Get values for parameter 'locale' |
InfoApi | getAllStorefronts | GET /info/storefront | Get values for parameter 'storefront' |
InfoApi | getVatIndicators | GET /info/vat-indicators | Get a list of Vat Indicators Mappings per Storefront |
OrderInvoicesApi | deleteOrderInvoice | DELETE /order-invoices/{id_order}/{id_invoice} | Delete an order invoice by given order ID and invoice ID |
OrderInvoicesApi | getOrderInvoice | GET /order-invoices/{id_order}/{id_invoice} | Get an order invoice by order ID and invoice ID |
OrderInvoicesApi | getOrderInvoices | GET /order-invoices | Get a list of order invoices |
OrderInvoicesApi | uploadOrderInvoice | POST /order-invoices/{id_order} | Upload an order invoice to a given order |
OrderUnitsApi | cancelOrderUnit | PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/cancel | Cancel an order unit |
OrderUnitsApi | fulfilOrderUnit | PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/fulfil | Mark an order unit to be in fulfillment |
OrderUnitsApi | getOrderUnit | GET /order-units/{id_order_unit} | Get an order unit by ID |
OrderUnitsApi | getOrderUnits | GET /order-units | Get a list of order units |
OrderUnitsApi | refundOrderUnit | PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/refund | Send a refund to a customer |
OrderUnitsApi | sendOrderUnit | PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/send | Mark an order unit as sent |
OrdersApi | getOrder | GET /orders/{id_order} | Get an order by ID |
OrdersApi | getOrders | GET /orders | Get a list of orders |
ProductDataApi | createProductData | PUT /product-data | Add new product data for an EAN or replace your existing one |
ProductDataApi | createProductDataFile | POST /product-data/import-files | Add an import file URL |
ProductDataApi | deleteProductData | DELETE /product-data/{ean} | Delete your product data for an EAN |
ProductDataApi | getProductData | GET /product-data/{ean} | Get your product data for an EAN |
ProductDataApi | getProductDataFile | GET /product-data/import-files/{id_import_file} | Get import file by ID |
ProductDataApi | getProductDataFileList | GET /product-data/import-files | Get import files |
ProductDataApi | getProductDataStatus | GET /product-data/status/{ean} | Get the process status for your product data |
ProductDataApi | updateProductData | PATCH /product-data | Update existing product data for an EAN |
ProductsApi | getProduct | GET /products/{id_product} | Get product by ID |
ProductsApi | getProductByEan | GET /products/ean/{ean} | Get a product by EAN |
ProductsApi | getProductList | GET /products/search | Get a list of products by search term |
ReportsApi | getReport | GET /reports/{id_report} | Get meta-data for a single report by ID |
ReportsApi | getReports | GET /reports | Get a list of your reports |
ReportsApi | requestAccountListingReport | POST /reports/account-listing | Queue an inventory report |
ReportsApi | requestAccountListingWithShopPriceReport | POST /reports/account-listing-with-shop-price | Queue an inventory report |
ReportsApi | requestCancellationsReport | POST /reports/cancellations | Queue a cancellations report. |
ReportsApi | requestCompetitorsComparerReport | POST /reports/competitors-comparer | Queue a competitors comparison report |
ReportsApi | requestEansNotFoundReport | POST /reports/eans-not-found | Queue an EANs not found report |
ReportsApi | requestNewBookingsReport | POST /reports/bookings-new | Queue a bookings report |
ReportsApi | requestNewSalesReport | POST /reports/sales-new | Queue a sales report |
ReportsApi | requestProductDataChangesReport | POST /reports/product-data-changes | Queue a product data changes report |
ReportsApi | requestProductDataImportFileErrorsReport | POST /reports/product-data-import-file-errors | Queue a product data import file errors report |
ReturnUnitsApi | acceptReturnUnit | PATCH /return-units/{id_return_unit}/accept | Accept a return unit |
ReturnUnitsApi | clarifyReturnUnit | PATCH /return-units/{id_return_unit}/clarify | Clarify a return unit |
ReturnUnitsApi | getReturnUnit | GET /return-units/{id_return_unit} | Get a return unit by ID |
ReturnUnitsApi | getReturnUnits | GET /return-units | Get a list of return units |
ReturnUnitsApi | rejectReturnUnit | PATCH /return-units/{id_return_unit}/reject | Reject a return unit |
ReturnUnitsApi | repairReturnUnit | PATCH /return-units/{id_return_unit}/repair | Repair a return unit |
ReturnsApi | getReturn | GET /returns/{id_return} | Get a return by ID |
ReturnsApi | getReturns | GET /returns | Get a list of returns |
ReturnsApi | initiateReturn | POST /returns | Initialize a return |
ReturnsApi | updateReturn | PUT /returns/{id_return} | Add one or more order units to an already existing return |
ShipmentsApi | addShipment | POST /shipments | Add a shipment to an order unit which is already marked as sent. |
ShippingGroupsApi | getShippingGroup | GET /shipping-groups/{id_shipping_group} | Get a shipping group by ID |
ShippingGroupsApi | getShippingGroups | GET /shipping-groups | Get the list of your predefined shipping groups |
ShippingLabelsApi | createShippingLabel | POST /shipping-labels | Request and create a shipping label. |
StatusApi | ping | GET /status/ping | Ping the Marketplace Seller API by Kaufland |
SubscriptionsApi | addSubscription | POST /subscriptions | Subscribe for event |
SubscriptionsApi | deleteSubscription | DELETE /subscriptions/{id_subscription} | Unsubscribe from event |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscription | GET /subscriptions/{id_subscription} | Get a push notification subscription by ID |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscriptions | GET /subscriptions | Get a list of your push notification subscriptions |
SubscriptionsApi | updateSubscription | PATCH /subscriptions/{id_subscription} | Update subscription |
TicketsApi | closeTicket | PATCH /tickets/{id_ticket}/close | Close a ticket by ID |
TicketsApi | createTicketMessage | POST /tickets/{id_ticket}/messages | Create a new message for the ticket |
TicketsApi | getTicket | GET /tickets/{id_ticket} | Get a ticket by ID |
TicketsApi | getTicketMessages | GET /tickets/messages | Get a list of ticket messages |
TicketsApi | getTickets | GET /tickets | Get a list of tickets |
TicketsApi | openTicket | POST /tickets | Open a ticket |
UnitsApi | bulkUpdateUnits | POST /units/bulk | Update some fields of a given set of units |
UnitsApi | createUnit | POST /units | Add a unit |
UnitsApi | deleteUnit | DELETE /units/{id_unit} | Delete a unit |
UnitsApi | getUnit | GET /units/{id_unit} | Get a unit by ID |
UnitsApi | getUnits | GET /units | Get a list of your units |
UnitsApi | patchUnit | PATCH /units/{id_unit} | Update some of the fields of a unit |
WarehousesApi | createWarehouse | POST /warehouses | Create a new Warehouse |
WarehousesApi | deleteWarehouse | DELETE /warehouses/{id_warehouse} | Delete a warehouse |
WarehousesApi | getWarehouse | GET /warehouses/{id_warehouse} | Get a warehouse by its ID |
WarehousesApi | getWarehouses | GET /warehouses | Get a list of your Warehouses |
WarehousesApi | updateWarehouse | PUT /warehouses/{id_warehouse} | Update a Warehouse |
- AccountListingReportVersion
- AddShipmentRequest
- AddShipmentRequestShipmentInformation
- Address
- ApiResponse
- ApiResponseAttribute
- ApiResponseCarriers
- ApiResponseCategoryTree
- ApiResponseCategoryWithEmbedded
- ApiResponseCountryVatRatesArray
- ApiResponseCreateShippingLabelResponse
- ApiResponseImportFileInventoryCommand
- ApiResponseImportFileInventoryFeed
- ApiResponseImportFileOrderCommand
- ApiResponseInfoLocaleObject
- ApiResponseInitializeReturn
- ApiResponseOffersRankings
- ApiResponseOpenTicketResponse
- ApiResponseOrderDetails
- ApiResponseOrderInvoice
- ApiResponseOrderUnitDetails
- ApiResponsePingMessage
- ApiResponseProductDataImportFileResponse
- ApiResponseProductDataObject
- ApiResponseProductDataStatusResponse
- ApiResponseProductWithEmbedded
- ApiResponseReport
- ApiResponseRequestedReport
- ApiResponseReturnDetails
- ApiResponseReturnUnitDetails
- ApiResponseShippingGroup
- ApiResponseString
- ApiResponseStringArray
- ApiResponseSubscription
- ApiResponseTicketWithEmbedded
- ApiResponseUnit
- ApiResponseUpdateReturn
- ApiResponseWarehouse
- Attribute
- BookingsReportVersion
- BuyboxCondition
- BuyboxUnit
- Buyer
- CancellationType
- Carrier
- Carriers
- Category
- CategoryBasic
- CategoryDecideBodyProduct
- CategoryDecideRequestBody
- CategoryEmbeddable
- CategoryTree
- CategoryWithEmbedded
- CollectionApiResponseAttribute
- CollectionApiResponseCategory
- CollectionApiResponseImportFileInventoryCommand
- CollectionApiResponseImportFileInventoryFeed
- CollectionApiResponseImportFileOrderCommand
- CollectionApiResponseOrder
- CollectionApiResponseOrderInvoice
- CollectionApiResponseOrderUnit
- CollectionApiResponseProductDataImportFileResponse
- CollectionApiResponseProductWithEmbedded
- CollectionApiResponseReport
- CollectionApiResponseReturn
- CollectionApiResponseReturnUnit
- CollectionApiResponseSharedSet
- CollectionApiResponseShippingGroup
- CollectionApiResponseSubscription
- CollectionApiResponseTicket
- CollectionApiResponseTicketMessage
- CollectionApiResponseUnitEmbedded
- CollectionApiResponseWarehouse
- ComplianceContact
- CountryVatRates
- CreateShippingLabelRequest
- CreateShippingLabelResponse
- CreateTicketMessageRequest
- Currency
- Delivery
- ErrorDetails
- ErrorResponse
- FulfillmentType
- ImportFileInventoryCommand
- ImportFileInventoryCommandPostRequest
- ImportFileInventoryFeed
- ImportFileInventoryFeedPostRequest
- ImportFileOrderCommand
- ImportFileOrderCommandPostRequest
- ImportFileRequestBody
- ImportFilesSortBy
- ImportStatus
- ImportType
- InitializeReturn
- InitializeReturnRequest
- Locale
- ModelReturn
- NotFoundResponse
- OffersRankings
- OpenTicketRequest
- OpenTicketResponse
- Order
- OrderDetails
- OrderDetailsOrderUnitsInner
- OrderEmbeddable
- OrderInvoice
- OrderInvoiceUploadRequest
- OrderUnit
- OrderUnitCancelReason
- OrderUnitCancelRequest
- OrderUnitDetails
- OrderUnitDetailsReturnUnit
- OrderUnitEmbeddable
- OrderUnitRefundReason
- OrderUnitRefundRequest
- OrderUnitSendRequest
- OrderUnitStatus
- PackageMeasurements
- Pagination
- PartialPickSubscriptionCallbackUrlOrFallbackEmailOrEventNameOrIsActiveOrStorefront
- PickSubscriptionCallbackUrlOrFallbackEmailOrEventName
- PickupLocation
- PingMessage
- ProblemType
- Product
- ProductDataAttributes
- ProductDataImportFileResponse
- ProductDataImportFileSorting
- ProductDataImportFileStatus
- ProductDataLocale
- ProductDataObject
- ProductDataStatus
- ProductDataStatusAttribute
- ProductDataStatusAttributeValueState
- ProductDataStatusProductNotReadyReason
- ProductDataStatusResponse
- ProductDataStatusUpdateFailReason
- ProductEmbeddable
- ProductUnitEmbedded
- ProductUnitEmbeddedSeller
- ProductWithEmbedded
- Report
- ReportParameterValue
- ReportsSorting
- RequestBookingsReportRequest
- RequestNewSalesReportRequest
- RequestProductDataImportFileErrorsReportRequest
- RequestedReport
- ReturnDetails
- ReturnEmbeddable
- ReturnReason
- ReturnStatus
- ReturnUnit
- ReturnUnitClarifyRequest
- ReturnUnitDetails
- ReturnUnitEmbeddable
- ReturnUnitRejectRequest
- ReturnUnitStatus
- SellerApiShippingGroupRegionOptionNameEnum
- SellerApiShippingGroupType
- SellerApiWarehouseType
- SharedSet
- ShippingGroup
- ShippingGroupOption
- ShippingGroupRegion
- Storefront
- Subscription
- SubscriptionEventName
- Ticket
- TicketEmbeddable
- TicketFile
- TicketMessage
- TicketMessageAuthor
- TicketMessageFile
- TicketMessagesSort
- TicketReason
- TicketStatus
- TicketTopic
- TicketWithEmbedded
- TicketWithEmbeddedBuyer
- TicketWithEmbeddedProduct
- TicketsSort
- Unit
- UnitCondition
- UnitEmbedded
- UnitEmbeddedEnum
- UnitPatchRequest
- UnitRequest
- UnitRequestCondition
- UnitStatuses
- UnitsBulkUpdateErrorDetail
- UnitsBulkUpdateErrorDetails
- UnitsBulkUpdateInternalError
- UnitsBulkUpdateRequest
- UnitsBulkUpdateResponse
- UnitsBulkUpdateResponseDataInner
- UnitsBulkUpdatedUnit
- UpdateReturn
- UpdateReturnRequest
- VatIndicator
- VatRate
- Warehouse
- WarehouseAddress
- WarehouseAddressRequest
- WarehouseBodyRequest
- WriteableUnitStatuses
- WriteableVatIndicator
All endpoints do not require authorization.
To run the tests, use:
composer install vendor/bin/phpunit
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Generator version:
- Generator version:
- Build package: