
Handles geocoding an address into lat/lng with multiple providers

v0.1.1 2022-08-22 21:27 UTC


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Handles geocoding an address into lat/lng based on cloud providers.

Note: Currently only supports using Google as a Geocoding provider. As we prioritize it, we will implement MapBox as well.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require clevyr/laravel-geocoder

Next, publish the plugin assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Clevyr\LaravelGeocoder\LaravelGeocoderServiceProvider"

This is the contents of the published config file (without descriptive comments):

return [
    'adapter' => 'google',
    'test-adapter' => 'test',
    'test' => [
        'lat' => 35.4771302,
        'lng' => -97.5283204,

Set up Google Geocoding

First, you need to set up a Google Geocoding API Key

Then, you will need to set the following ENV variable in your Laravel application:



use Clevyr\LaravelGeocoder\LaravelGeocoder;

$coords = LaravelGeocoder::GetLatLngFromAddress(
    '123 Test Ln',
    'New York',

echo $coords;

// [
//     "lat" => 40.7607184,
//     "lng" => -73.9613766,
// ]

Alternatively, you can include the Geocodable trait in your Laravel Eloquent model to get some nice geocoding instance methods:

use Clevyr\LaravelGeocoder\Traits\Geocodable;

class MyModel extends Model
    use Geocodable;

$model = MyModel::find(1);
$coords = $model->getLatAndLong();

$model->name = 'New Name';
$model->addressIsDirty(); // false

$model->address_line_1 = '123 Foo Ln.';
$model->addressIsDirty(); // true

Modifying the Model Geolocation Fields

By default, when you use the Geocodable trait, Laravel Geocoder will default to using the following fields on your model:

  • address_line_1 (Required)
  • address_line_2
  • city (Required)
  • state (Required)
  • postal_code (Required)
  • country (Defaults to 'US')

However, you can modify these fields on a per-model basis using the following getter functions in your model:

    // Override the postal_code property with something specific to this model
    public function getGeocoderPostalCodeAttribute()
        return 'zip';

This would assume that there is a zip field on this model, which will then be used for this model's geolocation. Here are the full list of getter functions that you can override:

public function getGeocoderAddressLine1Attribute();
public function getGeocoderAddressLine2Attribute();
public function getGeocoderCityAttribute();
public function getGeocoderStateAttribute();
public function getGeocoderPostalCodeAttribute();
public function getGeocoderCountryAttribute();


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