
Library around parameter-argument

1.1.1 2025-02-20 15:27 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-07 19:33:32 UTC



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Parameter is a library around parameter-argument which provides additional functionality with validation rules and schema introspection. Go to chevere/action for our object-oriented convention around this package.


Parameter is available through Packagist and the repository source is at chevere/parameter.

composer require chevere/parameter

What it does?

Parameter enables to spawn dynamic parameters of any type with extra rules.

For example, an integer of minimum value 10.

use function Chevere\Parameter\int;

$int = int(min: 10);
$int($var); // exception if $var < 10

In function or method parameters you can use attributes to define validation rules for parameters and return value.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\FloatAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\returnAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\validated;

    new FloatAttr(min: 0, max: 2400)
function wageWeekWA(
    #[IntAttr(min: 1628)]
    int $cents,
    #[FloatAttr(min: 0, max: 40)]
    float $hours
) {
    return $cents*$hours/100;
validated('wageWeekWA', $cents, $hours);

Validation can be triggered using validated (example above), inline and/or delegated to a caller wrapper. Parameter provides helpers to access rules for both parameters and return value to ease wiring process.

Rules defined by each parameter provide a human-readable schema which allows to expose the validation criteria.


Core types provided by Parameter.

Type Helper Attribute Description
Array arrayp ArrayAttr Array with named parameters
Bool bool BoolAttr Boolean
Float float FloatAttr Floating point number
Int int IntAttr Integer
Iterable iterable IterableAttr Iterable of key-value pairs
Mixed mixed -- Mixed
Null null NullAttr Null
Object object -- Object
String string StringAttr String matching a regex
Union union UnionAttr Union of parameters

Array based-parameters provided.

Type Helper Description
ArrayString arrayString Array with string values
File file File upload

String based-parameters provided.

Type Helper Description
BoolString boolString Bool string
Date date Date string
Datetime datetime Datetime string
Enum enum Enum string
IntString intString Int string
Time time Time string

Int based-parameters provided.

Type Helper Description
BoolInt boolInt Bool int

Non-type attributes provided.

Attribute Description
CallableAttr Forward parameter resolution to a callable
ReturnAttr Return value validation

Inline usage

Inline usage refers to the direct use of functions to create parameters and validate arguments.

Use inline validation to go from this:

if($var > 10 || $var < 1) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException();

To this:

use function Chevere\Parameter\int;

int(min: 1, max: 10)($var);

When invoking a Parameter $param($arg) or $param->__invoke($arg) it will trigger validation against the passed argument and return the validated argument:

  • Will fill-in any missing optional parameters with their default values.
  • Will exclude any extra unexpected parameters.

Attribute usage

Attribute usage refers to the use of attributes to define parameters and return rules. You can use attribute notation for class properties, methods/functions parameters and return value.

Use attribute delegated validation with the validated() function to go from this:

function myFunction(int $var): string
    if($var > 10 || $var < 1) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException();
    $return = 'done ok';
    return preg_match('/ok$/', $return)
        ? $return
        : throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$result = myFunction($var);

To this:

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\validated;

    new StringAttr('/ok$/')
function myFunction(
    #[IntAttr(min: 1, max: 10,)]
    int $var
): string
    return 'done ok';
$result = validated('myFunction', $var);

Use reflectionToParameters and reflectionToReturn functions for manual validation for arguments and return value:

use ReflectionFunction;
use function Chevere\Parameter\reflectionToParameters;
use function Chevere\Parameter\reflectionToReturn;

$reflection = new ReflectionFunction('myFunction');
$parameters = reflectionToParameters($reflection);
$return = reflectionToReturn($reflection);
$parameters(...$args); // valid $args
$result = myFunction(...$args); // myFunction call
$return($result); // valid $result

Use attribute inline validation for manual validation within the function body:

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\valid;
use function Chevere\Parameter\returnAttr;

    new StringAttr('/ok$/')
function myFunction(
    #[IntAttr(min: 1, max: 10)]
    int $var
): string
    valid(); // valid $var
    $return = 'ok';

    return returnAttr()($return); // valid $return

Native attributes support

Parameter will understand/complement native attribute annotations.


function myFunction(
    #[IntAttr(min: 1)]
    int $var
): void;


Use ReturnAttr attribute to define a return value validation rule.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;

    new StringAttr('/ok$/')
function myFunction(): string
    return 'done ok';


Attributes in PHP only support expressions you can use on class constants. Is not possible to directly define dynamic parameters using attributes.

To avoid this limitation you can use CallableAttr attribute which enables to forward parameter resolution to a callable returning a ParameterInterface instance.

use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\ParameterInterface;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\CallableAttr;

function myCallable(): ParameterInterface
    return arrayp(
        email: string(),
        name: string(),



A Parameter is an object implementing ParameterInterface. Every Parameter can define a description, default value, sensitive flag, plus additional validation rules depending on the type.

A Parameter can be defined using functions or attributes, it takes same arguments for both.

Immutable methods

A Parameter provides immutable methods to re-define its rules. Every with method returns a new instance preserving the original state. This enables to create Parameter variations from a base definition.

// Base generic methods
public function withDescription(string $description): self;
public function withIsSensitive(bool $isSensitive = true): self;

Immutable methods of a Parameter can be used to re-define its rules. For example, IntParameter provides additional methods to define integer range:

use function Chevere\Parameter\int;

$int = int(min: 0, max: 100);
// Same as:
$int = int()->withMin(0)->withMax(100);

Methods unique to each parameter:

  • IntParameter: withMin, withMax, withAccept, withReject
  • FloatParameter: withMin, withMax, withAccept, withReject
  • StringParameter: withRegex
  • ArrayParameter: withRequired, withOptional, withModify, withMakeOptional, withMakeRequired, without, withOptionalMinimum
  • ObjectParameter: withClassName
  • IterableParameter: withKey, withValue


Use function string to create a StringParameter. Pass a regex for string matching.

use function Chevere\Parameter\string;

// Any string
$string = string();
// String matching bin-<digits>
$string = string('/^bin-[\d]+$/');

Use StringAttr attribute to define a string parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;


String based-parameters

The following parameters are based on String.

Enum string

Use function enum to create a StringParameter matching a list of strings.

use function Chevere\Parameter\enum;

$enum = enum('on', 'off');

Use EnumAttr attribute to define an enum string parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\EnumAttr;

#[EnumAttr('on', 'off')]

Int string

Use function intString to create a StringParameter matching a string integers.

use function Chevere\Parameter\intString;

$int = intString();

Bool string

Use function boolString to create a StringParameter matching 0 and 1 strings.

use function Chevere\Parameter\boolString;

$bool = boolString();

Date string

Use function date to create a StringParameter matching YYYY-MM-DD strings.

use function Chevere\Parameter\date;

$date = date();

Time string

Use function time to create a StringParameter matching hh:mm:ss strings.

use function Chevere\Parameter\time;

$time = time();

Datetime string

Use function datetime to create a StringParameter matching YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss strings.

use function Chevere\Parameter\datetime;

$datetime = datetime();
$datetime('2024-01-09 10:53:00');


Use function int to create a IntParameter. Pass min and max values for integer range, accept for a list of accepted integers and reject for a list of rejected integers.

use function Chevere\Parameter\int;

// Any int
$int = int();
// Integer between 0 and 100
$int = int(min: 0, max: 100);
// Integer matching 1, 2 or 3
$int = int(accept: [1, 2, 3]);
// Integer not-matching 1, 2 or 3
$int = int(reject: [1, 2, 3]);

Use IntAttr attribute to define an integer parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;

#[IntAttr(min: 0, max: 100)]

Int based-parameters

The following parameters are based on Int.

Bool int

Use function boolInt to create a IntParameter matching 0 and 1 integers.

use function Chevere\Parameter\boolInt;

$bool = boolInt();


Use function float to create a FloatParameter. Pass min and max values for float range, accept for a list of accepted floats and reject for a list of rejected floats.

use function Chevere\Parameter\float;

// Any float
$float = float();
// Float between 0 and 100
$float = float(min: 0, max: 100);
// Float matching 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5
$float = float(accept: [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]);
// Float not-matching 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5
$float = float(reject: [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]);

Use FloatAttr attribute to define a float parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\FloatAttr;

#[FloatAttr(min: 0, max: 100)]


Use function bool to create a BoolParameter.

use function Chevere\Parameter\bool;

$bool = bool();

Use BoolAttr attribute to define a bool parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\BoolAttr;



Use function null to create a NullParameter.

use function Chevere\Parameter\null;

$null = null();

Use NullAttr attribute to define a null parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\NullAttr;



Use function object to create a ObjectParameter. Pass a className for the object class name.

use function Chevere\Parameter\object;

$object = object(stdClass::class);
$object(new stdClass());

Use ObjectAttr attribute to define an object parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ObjectAttr;



Use function mixed to create a MixedParameter.

use function Chevere\Parameter\mixed;

$mixed = mixed();


Use function union to create a UnionParameter. Pass a list of parameters to match, target value must match at least one.

use function Chevere\Parameter\union;

// Any string or null
$union = union(string(), null());
// Any digit string or any integer
$union = union(

Use UnionAttr attribute to define an union parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\UnionAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\FloatAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;

    new IntAttr(),
    new FloatAttr()


Parameter for type array is handled as a composite Parameter holding parameter definition for each one of its members.

Use function arrayp to create an ArrayParameter for named arguments as required array keys.

use function Chevere\Parameter\arrayp;

// Empty array
$array = arrayp();
// Required 'a' => <string>
$array = arrayp(a: string());
$array(['a' => 'Hello world']);

Parameter supports nested arrays of any depth:

use function Chevere\Parameter\arrayp;
use function Chevere\Parameter\float;
use function Chevere\Parameter\int;

$array = arrayp(
    id: int(min: 0),
    items: arrayp(
        id: int(min: 0),
        price: float(min: 0),
    'id' => 1,
    'items' => [
        'id' => 25,
        'price' => 16.5,

Use ArrayAttr attribute to define an array parameter using attribute notation.

use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ArrayAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\FloatAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;

    id: new IntAttr(),
    items: new ArrayAttr(
        id: new IntAttr(),
        price: new FloatAttr(),

With required

use method withRequired to define required parameters.

$array = $array
        username: string(),
        email: string()

With optional

use method withOptional to define optional parameters.

$array = $array
    ->withOptional(address: string());

👉 Note: Optional parameters will be validated only if a matching key is provided.

With modify

use method withModify to define modify parameters.

$array = $array
        username: string('/\w+/'),

With make optional

use method withMakeOptional to make required parameters optional.

$array = $array

With make required

use method withMakeRequired to make optional parameters required.

$array = $array


use method without to remove parameters.

$array = $array

With optional minimum

use method withOptionalMinimum to define a minimum number of optional parameters. Useful if all parameters are optional but 1.

$array = $array

Array based-parameters

The following parameters are based on Array.

Array String

Use function arrayString to create an ArrayStringParameterInterface for string values. It only supports string parameters.

use function Chevere\Parameter\arrayString;
use function Chevere\Parameter\string;

$array = arrayString(
    test: string(),
$array(['test' => 'foo']);


Use function file to create an ArrayParameter for file uploads.

use function Chevere\Parameter\file;

$array = file();
$file = [
    'name' => 'foo.txt',
    'type' => 'text/plain',
    'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpYzdqkD',
    'error' => 0,
    'size' => 123,

By default it provides validation for $_FILES shape, but you can define your own validation rules. For example, to validate name and contents:

use function Chevere\Parameter\file;

$array = file(
    name: string('/^\.txt$/'),
    contents: string('/wage-/'),
    'name' => 'wage-2024.txt',
    'type' => 'text/plain',
    'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpYzdqkD',
    'error' => 0,
    'size' => 27,
    'contents' => 'yada yada wage-2024 bla bla',


Iterable type Traversable|array is considered as a composite Parameter holding a generic definition for key and value. Parameter enables to describe this collection of items sharing the same shape.

Use function iterable to create an IterableParameter. Pass a V and K parameters for generic key and value.

use function Chevere\Parameter\int;
use function Chevere\Parameter\iterable;

$iterable = iterable(int(min: 0));
$iterable([0, 1, 2, 3]);

It also works with named keys:

use function Chevere\Parameter\int;
use function Chevere\Parameter\iterable;
use function Chevere\Parameter\string;

$iterable = iterable(
    V: arrayp(
        id: int(min: 0),
        name: string('^[\w]{1,255}'),
    K: string(),
    'based' => [
        'id' => 1,
        'name' => 'OscarGangas'
    'fome' => [
        'id' => 2,
        'name' => 'BomboFica'



Use function parameters to create a Parameters instance.

use function Chevere\Parameters\parameters;
use function Chevere\Parameters\string;

$parameters = parameters(foo: string());


Use function arguments to create a Arguments instance.

use function Chevere\Parameters\arguments;
use function Chevere\Parameters\string;

$arguments = arguments($parameters, ['foo' => 'bar']);


Use function assertNamedArgument to assert a named argument.

use function Chevere\Parameters\assertNamedArgument;
use function Chevere\Parameters\int;
use function Chevere\Parameters\parameters;

$parameter = int(min: 10);
    name: 'foo',
    parameter: $parameter,
    argument: 20


Use function toParameter to create a ParameterInterface instance from a type string. In the example below the resulting $parameter will be an IntParameter.

use function Chevere\Parameters\toParameter;

$parameter = toParameter('int');


Use function arrayFrom to create an Array parameter from another array parameter. In the example below the resulting $array will contain only name and id keys as defined in $source.

use function Chevere\Parameters\arrayFrom;
use function Chevere\Parameters\arrayp;
use function Chevere\Parameters\int;
use function Chevere\Parameters\string;

$source = arrayp(
    id: int(),
    name: string(),
    email: string(),
    age: int(),
$array = arrayFrom($source, 'name', 'id');


Use function takeKeys to retrieve an array with the keys from a parameter. In the example below $keys will contain id and size.

use function Chevere\Parameters\arrayp;
use function Chevere\Parameters\int;
use function Chevere\Parameters\takeKeys;

$array = arrayp(
    id: int(),
    size: int(),
$keys = takeKeys($array);


Use function takeFrom to retrieve an iterator with the desired keys from a parameter. In the example below $iterator will yield size and name keys.

use function Chevere\Parameters\arrayp;
use function Chevere\Parameters\int;
use function Chevere\Parameters\string;
use function Chevere\Parameters\takeFrom;

$array = arrayp(
    id: int(min: 0),
    size: int(min: 100),
    name: string(),
$iterator = takeFrom($array, 'size', 'name');


Use function parametersFrom to create a Parameters with desired keys from a parameter. In the example below $parameters will contain size and name keys.

use function Chevere\Parameters\arrayp;
use function Chevere\Parameters\int;
use function Chevere\Parameters\string;
use function Chevere\Parameters\parametersFrom;

$array = arrayp(
    id: int(min: 0),
    size: int(min: 100),
    name: string(),
$parameters = parametersFrom($array, 'size', 'name');


Use function getParameters to retrieve a Parameters instance from an object implementing either ParameterAccessInterface or ParametersInterface.

use function Chevere\Parameters\getParameters;

$parameters = getParameters($object);


Use function getType to retrieve the type as is known by this library.

use function Chevere\Parameters\getType;

$type = getType(1); // int


Use function parameterAttr to retrieve an object implementing ParameterAttributeInterface from a function or class method parameter.

use function Chevere\Parameters\parameterAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;

function myFunction(
    string $foo
): void {
    // ...

$stringAttr = parameterAttr('foo', 'myFunction');


Use function reflectionToParameters to retrieve a Parameters instance from a ReflectionFunction or ReflectionMethod instance.

use function Chevere\Parameter\reflectionToParameters;

$parameters = reflectionToParameters($reflection);


Use function reflectionToReturn to retrieve a ParameterInterface instance from a ReflectionFunction or ReflectionMethod instance.

use function Chevere\Parameter\reflectionToReturn;

$parameter = reflectionToReturn($reflection);


Use function reflectedParameterAttribute to retrieve an object implementing ParameterAttributeInterface from a ReflectionParameter instance.

use function Chevere\Parameter\reflectedParameterAttribute;

$parameterAttribute = reflectedParameterAttribute($reflectionParameter);


Use function validated to validate a function or method arguments.

use function Chevere\Parameter\validated;

$result = validated('myFunction', $arg1, $arg2,);


Inline validation

  • Validate string starting with "a":
use function Chevere\Parameter\string;

$value = 'ahhh';
  • Validate an int of min value 100:
use function Chevere\Parameter\int;

$value = 100;
int(min: 100)($value);
  • Validate an int accept list:
use function Chevere\Parameter\int;

$value = 1;
int(accept: [1, 2, 3])($value);
  • Validate a float reject list:
use function Chevere\Parameter\float;

$value = 3.1;
float(reject: [1.1, 2.1])($value);
  • Validate an array:
use function Chevere\Parameter\arrayp;
use function Chevere\Parameter\int;
use function Chevere\Parameter\string;

$value = [
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'Pepe'
    id: int(min: 1),
    name: string('/^[A-Z]{1}\w+$/')
  • Validate an iterable int list:
use function Chevere\Parameter\int;
use function Chevere\Parameter\iterable;

$value = [1, 2, 3];
  • Validate an iterable int list with string key type rules:
use function Chevere\Parameter\int;
use function Chevere\Parameter\iterable;

$value = [
    'unila' => 1,
    'dorila' => 2,
    'tirifila' => 3,
    K: string('/ila$/'),
    V: int(min: 1)
  • Validate an union of type ?int:
use function Chevere\Parameter\int;
use function Chevere\Parameter\null;

$value = 1;
union(int(), null())($value);

Attribute delegated validation

  • Use function validated() to get a return validated against all rules.
use function Chevere\Parameter\validated;

$result = validated('myFunction', $var);
  • Use function reflectionToParameters() to get rules for validating arguments.
use ReflectionMethod;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\arguments;
use function Chevere\Parameter\reflectionToParameters;

$class = new class() {
    public function wea(
        #[IntAttr(accept: [1, 10, 100])]
        int $base
    ): void {
$object = new $class();
$reflection = new ReflectionMethod($object, 'wea');
$parameters = reflectionToParameters($reflection);
$args = ['base' => 10];
$parameters(...$args); // valid $args
$result = $object->wea(...$args);
  • Use function reflectionToReturn() to get rules for validating function/method return value:
use ReflectionFunction;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\reflectionToReturn;

$function =
        new IntAttr(min: 1000)
    function (int $base): int {
        return 10 * $base;
$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($function);
$return = reflectionToReturn($reflection);
$base = 10;
$result = $function($base);
$result = $return($result); // Validates result

Attribute inline validation

Use valid() on the function/method body to trigger validation for arguments.

  • Validate an string enum for Hugo, Paco, Luis:
  • Validate a min float value of 1000:
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\EnumAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\validate;

function myEnum(
    #[EnumAttr('Hugo', 'Paco', 'Luis')]
    string $name,
    #[FloatAttr(min: 1000)]
    float $money
): void
    // Or single...
$arg1 = 'Paco';
$arg2 = 1000.50;
myEnum($arg1, $arg2);
  • Validate an int of any value but 0 and 100:
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\validate;

function myInt(
    #[IntAttr(reject: [0, 100])]
    int $id
): void
$value = 50;
  • Validate a nasty nested array:
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ArrayAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IterableAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\validate;

function myArray(
        id: new IntAttr(min: 1),
        role: new ArrayAttr(
            mask: new IntAttr(accept: [64, 128, 256]),
            name: new StringAttr('/[a-z]+/'),
            tenants: new IterableAttr(
                new IntAttr(min: 1)
    array $spooky
): void
$value = [
    'id' => 10,
    'role' => [
        'mask' => 128,
        'name' => 'admin',
        'tenants' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • Validate iterable int list:
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IterableAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\validate;

function myIterable(
        new IntAttr(),
    array $list = [0,1,2]
): void

Use function returnAttr() on the function/method body.

  • Validate int min: 0, max: 5 return:
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\returnAttr;

    new IntAttr(min: 0, max: 5)
public function myReturnInt(): int
    $result = 1;

    return returnAttr()($result);
  • Validate array return:
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ArrayAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\IntAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\StringAttr;
use Chevere\Parameter\Attributes\ReturnAttr;
use function Chevere\Parameter\returnAttr;

    new ArrayAttr(
        id: new IntAttr(min: 0),
        name: new StringAttr()
public function myReturnArray(): array
    $result = [
        'id' => 1,
        'name' => 'Peoples Hernandez'

    return returnAttr()($result);

💡 By convention when omitting ReturnAttr the method public static function return(): ParameterInterface (if any) will be used to determine return validation rules.


Documentation is available at


Copyright Rodolfo Berrios A.

Chevere is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.