
Charcoal service provider for translating messages and managing locales.


The Transator package provides tools to internationalize Web applications with support for multilingual data and an integration with Symfony's Translation component.


composer require charcoal/translator

For Charcoal projects, the service provider can be registered from your configuration file:

    "service_providers": {
        "charcoal/translator/service-provider/translator": {}



The Translation Object


The Translation Object holds the translation data for a given string in all available languages / locales.

// Get a translation object from the Translator
$translation = $container['translator']->translation([
    'en' => 'Hello World',
    'fr' => 'Bonjour'

// If cast to string, the default language will be used.
echo $translation;

// Use ArrayAccess to get (or set) a translated value.
echo $translation['fr'];
$translation['fr'] => 'Bonjour le monde';

// To loop through all translations:
foreach ($translation->data() as $lang => $translatedValue) {
    // ...

The Translator Service


Charcoal's Translator extends Symfony's Translator to also provide two new translation methods (translation($val) and translator($val)) which can both accept mixed arguments to return either a Translation object, in the case of translation() or a string, in the case of translate($val).

The Locales Manager


The Locales Manager is used to manage available locales / languages and keep track of current language.

The Parser Script


The Parser Script is used to scrape files that contain translatable content. Add the following route to your application configuration:

"scripts": {
    "charcoal/translator/parse": {
        "ident": "charcoal/translator/script/translation-parser"

Service Provider

The TranslatorServiceProvider provides services and options for translating your application into different languages.


  • locales/config: Configuration object for defining the available languages, fallbacks, and defaults.
  • locales/default-language: Default language of the application, optionally the navigator's preferred language.
  • locales/browser-language: Accepted language from the navigator.
  • locales/fallback-languages: List of fallback language codes for the translator.
  • locales/available-languages: List of language codes from the available locales.
  • locales/languages: List of available language structures of the application.
  • translator/config: Configuration object for translation service, message catalogs, and catalog loaders.
  • translator/translations: Dictionary of additional translations grouped by domain and locale.



Here is an example of configuration:

"locales": {
    "languages": {
        "de": {},
        "en": {},
        "es": {
            "active": false
        "fr": {}
    "default_language": "fr",
    "fallback_languages": [
    "auto_detect": true
"translator": {
    "loaders": [
    "paths": [
    "debug": false,
    "cache_dir": "cache/translation/",
    "translations": {
        "messages": {
            "de": {
                "hello": "Hallo {{ name }}",
                "goodbye": "Auf Wiedersehen!"
            "en": {
                "hello": "Hello {{ name }}",
                "goodbye": "Goodbye!"
            "es": {
                "hello": "Hallo {{ name }}",
                "goodbye": "Adios!"
            "fr": {
                "hello": "Bonjour {{ name }}",
                "goodbye": "Au revoir!"
        "admin": {
            "fr": {
                "Save": "Enregistrer"


The LanguageMiddleware is available for PSR-7 applications that support middleware. The middleware detects the preferred language using the Accept-Language HTTP header, the URI path, query string, or host.

If you are using charcoal/app, you can add the middleware via the application configset:

"middlewares": {
    "charcoal/translator/middleware/language": {
        "active": true,
        "use_params": true,
        "param_key": "hl"

Otherwise, with Slim, for example:

use Charcoal\Translator\Middleware\LanguageMiddleware;
use Slim\App;

$app = new App();

// Register middleware
$app->add(new LanguageMiddleware([
    'default_language' => 'fr',
    'use_params'       => true,
    'param_key'        => 'hl',

The middleware comes with a set of default options which can be individually overridden.




The TranslatorAwareTrait is offered as convenience to avoid duplicate / boilerplate code. It simply sets and gets a Translator service property.

Set with setTranslator() and get with translator(). Both are protected method. (This trait has no public interface.)
