Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
The Charcoal Administration Dashboard
0 0
Charcoal application, based on Slim 3
22 0
Charcoal Attachments Module
3 0
A Charcoal Project Boilerplate
63 3
Charcoal service provider for the Stash Cache Library
40 0
The Charcoal Framework monorepo
352 8
Charcoal CMS (Content Management System) Module
1 0
Charcoal component for configuration data and object modeling
56 0
Charcoal Web Framework
34 0
Email sending and queueing for Charcoal
Charcoal object creation (Factory, AbstractFactory, Builder, Class Resolver)
42 0
PHP Image manipulation library
39 0
Object (Content and UserData) definition and object behaviors and tools.
28 0
Charcoal Property defines an object (provides metadata)
Queue, Queue items and Queueable objects for Charcoal