cedarmaps / cedarmaps-php-sdk
A PHP Wrapper for CedarMaps API
- php: >=5.6.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.3
- monolog/monolog: 1.*
Requires (Dev)
- phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor: 2.*
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.*
- sebastian/phpcpd: 2.*
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-26 05:28:28 UTC
A mapping service and highly detailed and spatially accurate GIS vector data application that covers the whole country of Iran.
$ composer require cedarmaps/cedarmaps-php-sdk
Getting Started
Getting Access Token
You should have a client_id
and client_secret
in order to get an access_token.
POST "https://api.cedarmaps.com/v1/token" with client_id=<client_id> client_secret=<client_secret>
$apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY' $cedarMaps = new \CedarMaps\CedarMaps($apiKey);
#getForwardGeocoding(query, index, filters)
query: string
, URL-encoded text [REQUIRED]
index: Pick from CedarMaps::Constants['INDEXES'] for example CedarMaps::Constants['INDEXES']['STREET_INDEX']
Param | Type | Description |
limit | integer | Max is 30 |
distance | float | Unit is km, 0.1 means 100 meters |
location | Array: ['lat' => <SOME_LATITUDE>,'lon' => SOME_LONGITUDE] | Center point of a nearby search. should be accompanied with distance param |
type | Array | Pick from CedarMaps::Constants['FORWARD_GEOCODE']['TYPE'] |
ne | Array: ['lat' => <SOME_LATITUDE>,'lon' => SOME_LONGITUDE] | Specifies north east of the bounding box - should be accompanied with sw param |
sw | Array: ['lat' => <SOME_LATITUDE>,'lon' => SOME_LONGITUDE] | Specifies south west of the bounding box - should be accompanied with ne param |
Sample Response:
[ [ "address" => "اراضی عباس آباد,مهران,سید خندان,...", "components" => [ "city" => "تهران", "country" => "ایران", "districts" => [ "منطقه 4", "منطقه 3" ], "localities" => [ "اراضی عباس آباد", "مهران", "سید خندان", "پاسداران" ], "province" => "تهران" ], "id" => 429874, "location" => [ "bb" => [ "ne" => "35.756689799999997,51.464761500000002", "sw" => "35.7491463,51.423702800000001" ], "center" => "35.749155599171999,51.428327751596903" ], "name" => "همت", "type" => "expressway" ], [ "address" => "المهدی", "components" => [ "city" => "تهران", "country" => "ایران", "districts" => [ "منطقه 5" ], "localities" => [ "المهدی" ], "province" => "تهران" ], "id" => 338756, "location" => [ "bb" => [ "ne" => "35.770861600000003,51.323841700000003", "sw" => "35.770540400000002,51.323066400000002" ], "center" => "35.770585227006897,51.323426168064202" ], "name" => "همت", "type" => "street" ] ]
#getReverseGeocoding(lat, lon, index)
It gives you an address based on a provided LatLng pair.
lat: number
, Latitude [REQUIRED]
long: number
, Longitude [REQUIRED]
index: Pick from CedarMaps::Constants['INDEXES'] for example CedarMaps::Constants['INDEXES']['STREET_INDEX']
Sample Response:
[ "address" => "بن بست سروش - زرتشت", "city" => "تهران", "components" => [ [ "long_name" => "بن بست سروش", "short_name" => "بن بست سروش", "type" => "residential" ], [ "long_name" => "زرتشت", "short_name" => "زرتشت", "type" => "primary" ], [ "long_name" => "بهجت آباد", "short_name" => "بهجت آباد", "type" => "locality" ], [ "long_name" => "منطقه 6", "short_name" => "منطقه 6", "type" => "district" ], [ "long_name" => "تهران", "short_name" => "تهران", "type" => "city" ] ], "locality" => "بهجت آباد", "district" => "منطقه 6", "traffic_zone" => [ "in_central" => true, "in_evenodd" => true, "name" => "محدوده طرح ترافیک" ] ]
This method calculates the distance between points in meters. It can be called with up to 100 different points in a single request.
points: array
, Array of point Arrays ['lat' => <SOME_LATITUDE>,'lon' => SOME_LONGITUDE]
Response Elements:
Param | Description |
distance | The overall distance of the route, in meter |
time | The overall time of the route, in ms |
bbox | The bounding box of the route, format: minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat |
Sample Response:
[ "routes" => [ [ "bbox" => [ 51.368587, 35.74982, 51.41652, 35.762383 ], "distance" => 7516.338, "time" => 500912 ] ] ]
#getDirection(points, options)
This method calculates the optimal driving routes between two or more points.
points: Array
, Array: ['lat' => <SOME_LATITUDE>,'lon' => SOME_LONGITUDE]
options: Array of options like ['instructions' => true]
Currently the only option is instructions
that is boolean
[ 'instructions' => true ]
Response Elements:
Param | Description |
distance | The overall distance of the route, in meter |
time | The overall time of the route, in ms |
bbox | The bounding box of the route, format: minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat |
geometry | The geometry of the route as a GeoJSON LineString |
Sample Response:
[ "routes" => [ [ "bbox" => [ 51.36444, 35.76323, 51.365623, 35.76432 ], "distance" => 244.929, "geometry" => [ "coordinates" => [ [ 51.365623, 35.76432 ], [ 51.365257, 35.764303 ], [ 51.364963, 35.764235 ], [ 51.364673, 35.764141 ], [ 51.364442, 35.764025 ], [ 51.364884, 35.763525 ], [ 51.364888, 35.763482 ], [ 51.365049, 35.763228 ], [ 51.36532, 35.76332 ] ], "type" => "LineString" ], "time" => 22602 ] ] ]
Turn-by-turn Navigation
In order to get turn-by-turn instructions you should include {instructions:true} as option.
Response elements when instructions option provided:
Param | Description |
instructions | Instructions for this route. The last instruction is always the Finish instruction and takes 0ms and 0meter |
instructions[].text | A description what the user has to do in order to follow the route |
instructions[].street_name | The name of the street to turn onto in order to follow the route |
instructions[].distance | The distance for this instruction, in meter |
instructions[].time | The duration for this instruction, in ms |
instructions[].interval | An array containing the first and the last index (relative to geometry.coordinates) of the points for this instruction. This is useful to know for which part of the route the instructions are valid |
instructions[].sign | A number which specifies the sign to show
Sample Response when instructions option provided:
[ "routes" => [ [ "bbox" => [ 51.43418, 35.738007, 51.43793, 35.738693 ], "distance" => 570.586, "geometry" => [ "coordinates" => [ [ 51.437536, 35.738675 ], [ 51.437901, 35.738695 ], [ 51.43793, 35.738142 ], [ 51.435609, 35.738006 ], [ 51.435563, 35.738689 ], [ 51.434183, 35.738635 ], [ 51.434204, 35.738048 ] ], "type" => "LineString" ], "instructions" => [ [ "distance" => 32.977, "heading" => 86.21, "interval" => [ 0, 1 ], "sign" => 0, "street_name" => "دهم", "text" => "تا دهم ادامه دهید", "time" => 4748 ], [ "distance" => 61.447, "interval" => [ 1, 2 ], "sign" => 2, "street_name" => "سیبویه", "text" => " به راست بپیچید به سیبویه", "time" => 4915 ], [ "distance" => 210.041, "interval" => [ 2, 3 ], "sign" => 2, "street_name" => "هشتم", "text" => " به راست بپیچید به هشتم", "time" => 30245 ], [ "distance" => 76.09, "interval" => [ 3, 4 ], "sign" => 2, "street_name" => "عربعلی", "text" => " به راست بپیچید به عربعلی", "time" => 6085 ], [ "distance" => 124.698, "interval" => [ 4, 5 ], "sign" => -2, "street_name" => "نهم", "text" => " به چپ بپیچید به نهم", "time" => 17956 ], [ "distance" => 65.334, "interval" => [ 5, 6 ], "sign" => -2, "street_name" => "رهبر", "text" => " به چپ بپیچید به رهبر", "time" => 9408 ], [ "distance" => 0.0, "interval" => [ 6, 6 ], "last_heading" => 178.3159250006148, "sign" => 4, "street_name" => "", "text" => "پایان!", "time" => 0 ] ], "time" => 73357 ] ] ]
TileJSON is a format that manages the complexities of custom maps. It organizes zoom levels, center points, legend contents, and more, into a format that makes it easy to display a map.
mapId: string
, Cedar map ID [REQUIRED]
Sample Response:
[ "bounds" => [ 44, 24.6, 63.4, 39.8 ], "description" => "CedarMaps covering the whole country of Iran", "maxzoom" => 17, "minzoom" => 6, "name" => "CedarMaps Streets", "tilejson" => "2.3.0", "tiles" => [ "https =>//api.cedarmaps.com/v1/tiles/cedarmaps.streets/[z]/[x]/[y].png?access_token=<your access token>" ], "version" => "2.0" ]
[ 'INDEXES' => [ 'STREET_INDEX' => 'cedarmaps.streets', ], 'FORWARD_GEOCODE' => [ 'TYPE' => [ 'LOCALITY' => 'locality', 'ROUNDABOUT' => 'roundabout', 'STREET' => 'street', 'FREEWAY' => 'freeway', 'EXPRESSWAY' => 'expressway', 'BOULEVARD' => 'boulevard', ] ], ];
MIT © Cedar Maps