
This is a package that enhances the Laravel log format. It can inject request ID, craftsman ID, queue ID, and supports enhanced capabilities such as routing request log, HTTP client request log, SQL Query log, etc.

v1.0.1 2024-09-10 10:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 10:24:23 UTC


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This is a package that enhances the Laravel log format. It can inject request ID, craftsman ID, queue ID, and supports enhanced capabilities such as routing request log, HTTP client request log, SQL Query log, etc.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require caixingyue/laravel-star-log

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="star-log-config"


Log format configuration

After the installation is complete, you need to add a new channels information to the config/logging.php configuration file. The following is a common reference example, you can modify the configuration as needed.

use Caixingyue\LaravelStarLog\Formatter\StrengthenFormatter;

'channels' => [
    'star_daily' => [
        'driver' => 'daily',
        'formatter' => StrengthenFormatter::class,
        'formatter_with' => [
            // Defined as microsecond time
            'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u'
        'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'),
        'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
        'days' => env('LOG_DAILY_DAYS', 14),
        'replace_placeholders' => true,

// [2024-09-03 08:32:05.161104] local.INFO[App.Http.Controllers.ExampleController@index:12]: Hello, I am now in the index method under the ExampleController controller and have issued this record.

Injecting request ID

If you wish to inject the request ID, you may append it to the global middleware stack in your application's bootstrap/app.php file:

use Caixingyue\LaravelStarLog\Http\Middleware\AssignRequestId;

->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {

// [2024-09-03 08:36:10.896827] 7146967637.INFO[App.Http.Controllers.ExampleController@index:12]: Hello, I am now in the index method under the ExampleController controller and have issued this record.

Enable request logging

If you would like clients to automatically log request and response information when they request your routes, you may attach this to the global middleware stack in your application's bootstrap/app.php file:

use Caixingyue\LaravelStarLog\Http\Middleware\RouteLog;

->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {

// [2024-09-03 08:39:18.923444] 8055622306.INFO[System@request:96]: [Macintosh|OS X|PC端] - [] - GET[/] - 请求报文: [null] 
// [2024-09-03 08:39:18.935572] 8055622306.INFO[App.Http.Controllers.ExampleController@index:12]: Hello, I am now in the index method under the ExampleController controller and have issued this record.  
// [2024-09-03 08:39:18.938116] 8055622306.INFO[System@response:118]: 耗时[0.09s] - 内存消耗[2mb] - 响应报文: {"code":"success"}

Routing Configuration

Sometimes we want to return the request ID in the response header when responding to troubleshoot problems. Or we may not want to record request logs for certain URLs or methods, or even secret field information. For these situations, you can add relevant configuration to the starlog.php configuration file:

When you want to return the request ID in the response, you can set STAR_LOG_RESPONSE_HEAD_ID to true in the env configuration.

'route' => [
    'response_head_id' => env('STAR_LOG_RESPONSE_HEAD_ID', false),

If you do not want to record request logs for certain URLs, you can add the information to be excluded in the except.

  • For example, you can add /home to exclude the path from processing.
  • You can use the * wildcard to match all paths in a pattern. For example, /admin/* will exclude all paths starting with /admin/.
  • If desired, you can also add the full URL including domain name and protocol.
  • If you want to exclude certain paths based on the URL's query string, include those as well. For example, /search?q=laravel.
'route' => [
    'except' => [

If you do not want to record requests of certain methods, such as GET, POST, etc., you can add the information to be excluded in except_method.

'route' => [
    'except_method' => [

For some secret information fields that you do not want to be recorded in the log, you can add the relevant field name in the secret_fields field, and the system will automatically replace the data with ****** before recording the data. Currently, we have configured the common fields current_password, password, and password_confirmation as secret fields, which can be adjusted if necessary.

'route' => [
    'secret_fields' => [

Injecting Artisan ID

If you wish to inject the artisan ID, you may use the InjectionId method in your command class:

use Caixingyue\LaravelStarLog\Console\InjectionId;

class Example extends Command
    use InjectionId;

// [2024-09-03 10:20:24.107848] 90819036.INFO[App.Console.Commands.Example@handle:52]: Hello, I have now issued this record under the Example command class.

Injecting Queue ID

If you wish to inject the queue ID, you may use the InjectionId method in your job class:

use Caixingyue\LaravelStarLog\Queue\InjectionId;

class ExampleJob implements ShouldQueue
    use InjectionId;

// [2024-09-03 10:24:37.351645] 57326518.INFO[App.Jobs.ExampleJob@handle:30]: Hello, I have now issued this record under the ExampleJob class.

Generally, only handle can use the queue ID. If __construct also needs to use it, you can call $this->initializeInjectionId() in __construct to initialize it.

Enable HTTP client request logging

If you want the system to automatically log requests and responses when making HTTP client requests, you can set STAR_LOG_ENABLE_HTTP_CLIENT to true in the env configuration.

'http' => [
    'enable' => env('STAR_LOG_ENABLE_HTTP_CLIENT', false),

// [2024-09-03 10:52:51.455935] 85234719.INFO[HttpClient@request:39]: GET[] - 请求报文: [null] 
// [2024-09-03 10:52:51.787507] 85234719.INFO[HttpClient@response:37]: 耗时[0.325134s] - 200[] - 响应报文: {"code":"success"}

For some secret information fields that you do not want to be recorded in the log, you can add the relevant field name in the secret_fields field, and the system will automatically replace the data with ****** before recording the data. Currently, we have configured the common fields current_password, password, and password_confirmation as secret fields, which can be adjusted if necessary.

'http' => [
    'secret_fields' => [

Enable SQL Query logging

If you want the system to automatically log when SQL queries are issued, you can set STAR_LOG_ENABLE_SQL_QUERY to true in the env configuration.

'query' => [
    'enable' => env('STAR_LOG_ENABLE_SQL_QUERY', false),

// [2024-09-03 10:49:41.908266] 81156302.INFO[System@db:46]: SQL Query: insert into "users" ("name", "email", "email_verified_at", "password", "remember_token", "updated_at", "created_at") values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) | Bindings: ["Gilda Sawayn IV","","2024-09-03 10:49:41","$2y$12$lxv6rkqo8DCGmWC.JviQe.rD0mytUTPUm2DnyanWM8gPcceRN7EmS","pn0TkAqvxW","2024-09-03 10:49:41","2024-09-03 10:49:41"] | Time: 0.69ms

If you do not want to record certain SQL queries, you can add the SQL to be excluded in the except. The SQL statement to be excluded does not have to be complete, as long as it is a part of the SQL.

By default, we will exclude SQL operations on laravel basic tables. If necessary, you can adjust them as needed.

In the exclusion, * key means that it has effect in all class methods. If you need to limit the restrictions within a class, you can specify the class name as the key, such as ExampleJob.

'query' => [
    'except' => [
        ExampleJob::class => [
            'select * from "users"',
        '*' => [
            'insert into "sessions"',
            'insert into "cache"',
            'insert into "cache_locks"',
            'insert into "jobs"',
            'insert into "job_batches"',
            'insert into "failed_jobs"',

            'delete from "sessions"',
            'delete from "cache"',
            'delete from "cache_locks"',
            'delete from "jobs"',
            'delete from "job_batches"',
            'delete from "failed_jobs"',

            'update "sessions"',
            'update "cache"',
            'update "cache_locks"',
            'update "jobs"',
            'update "job_batches"',
            'update "failed_jobs"',

            'select * from "sessions"',
            'select * from "cache"',
            'select * from "cache_locks"',
            'select * from "jobs"',
            'select * from "job_batches"',
            'select * from "failed_jobs"',


We provide some helpers that can help you get some data in different scenarios.

// Get current request id

// Get the most recent artisan id

// Get the most recent queue id

// Get all injection id list

Generally, in classes that use injected id, we recommend using the $this method.

// Get current artisan or queue id

// Get current request id

// Get current artisan id

// Get current queue id


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.