
This Filament plugin simplifies managing bulk operations asynchronously in a queue. It provides tracking and status updates for tasks, while supporting both action calls and job dispatches. Excellent for bulk data updates and tasks with Filament & Livewire support for real-time notifications.

0.3.3 2024-08-29 15:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:41:48 UTC


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This Filament plugin simplifies managing bulk operations asynchronously in a queue. It provides tracking and status updates for tasks, while supporting both action calls and job dispatches. Excellent for bulk data updates and tasks with Filament & Livewire support for real-time notifications.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require bytexr/filament-queueable-bulk-actions

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="queueable-bulk-actions-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="queueable-bulk-actions-config"

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="queueable-bulk-actions-views"


First you will need to register this plugin on your Filament panel

use \Bytexr\QueueableBulkActions\QueueableBulkActionsPlugin;
use Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook;

public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
    return $panel
                ->bulkActionModel(YourBulkActionModel::class) // (optional) - Allows you to register your own model which extends \Bytexr\QueueableBulkActions\Models\BulkAction
                ->bulkActionRecordModel(YourBulkActionRecordModel::class) // (optional) - Allows you to register your own model for records which extends \Bytexr\QueueableBulkActions\Models\BulkActionRecord
                ->renderHook(PanelsRenderHook::RESOURCE_PAGES_LIST_RECORDS_TABLE_BEFORE) // (optional) - Allows you to change where notification is rendered, multiple render hooks can be passed as array [Default: PanelsRenderHook::RESOURCE_PAGES_LIST_RECORDS_TABLE_BEFORE]
                ->pollingInterval('5s') // (optional) - Allows you to change or disable polling interval, set to null to disable. [Default: 5s]
                ->queue('redis', 'default')  // (optional) - Allows you to change which connection and queue should be used [Default: env('QUEUE_CONNECTION'), default]
                ->resource(YourBulkActionResource::class) // (optional) - Allows you to change which resource should be used to display historical bulk actions
                    StatusEnum::QUEUED->value => 'slate',
                    StatusEnum::IN_PROGRESS->value => 'info',
                    StatusEnum::FINISHED->value => 'success',
                    StatusEnum::FAILED->value => 'danger',
                ]), // (optional) - Allows you to change notification and badge colors used for statuses. Uses filament colors defined in panel provider. [Default: as show in method]

To start leveraging the benefits of this package, you'll initially create a job tailored to manage your unique bulk action records. This specialized job should inherit from the Bytexr\QueueableBulkActions\Jobs\BulkActionJob class, enabling it to seamlessly employ the features of the package.


namespace App\Jobs;

use Bytexr\QueueableBulkActions\Filament\Actions\ActionResponse;
use Bytexr\QueueableBulkActions\Jobs\BulkActionJob;

class DeleteUserBulkActionJob extends BulkActionJob
    protected function action($record, ?array $data): ActionResponse
        if($record->isAdmin()) {
            return  ActionResponse::make()
                             ->message('Admin users cannot be deleted');
        return ActionResponse::make()

Following that, create a QueueableBulkAction and link it to the job you've just created. This process directly assigns the job to the action.

                        ->label('Delete selected')

Once set up, this will generate notifications to keep users apprised of your bulk action progress on the current page. The information remains visible until manually dismissed, providing an unintrusive user experience.

Bulk Action Notification

The notification is contextually aware and will only appear on the page where the action was initiated by the user. This tailored approach keeps things neat and relevant. It comes with an easy dismissal feature; a simple click on 'X' will close the notification.

Even after the task execution, all bulk action records are preserved for reference. They can readily be accessed via the BulkActionResource, ensuring continuity and availability of information when needed.

Bulk Action Notification Bulk Action Notification


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.