
A multi-purpose cache engine PSR-6 and PSR-16 implementation with several drivers.

4.9.3 2024-08-27 20:40 UTC

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A multi-purpose cache engine PSR-6 and PSR-16 implementation with several drivers.


PSR-16 defines a Simple Cache interface with less verbosity than PSR-6. Below a list of engines available in this library that is PSR-16 compliant:

To create a new Cache Instance just create the proper cache engine and use it:

$cache = new \ByJG\Cache\Psr16\FileSystemCacheEngine();

// And use it:
if ($cache->has('key')) {
    // Do the complex code to get the value to be cached
    $object = callComplexCode();
    // Save to cache
    $cache->set('key', $object);
$object = $cache->get('key');

See more PSR-16 examples here


The PSR-6 implementation use the engines defined above. PSR-6 is more verbosity and have an extra layer do get and set the cache values.

You can use one of the factory methods to create a instance of the CachePool implementation:

$cachePool = \ByJG\Cache\Factory::createFilePool();

OR just create a new CachePool and pass to the constructor an instance of a PSR-16 compliant class:

$cachePool = new CachePool(new FileSystemCacheEngine());

See more PSR-6 examples here

List of Available Factory Commands

Note: All parameters are optional

The Common parameters are:

  • logger: A valid instance that implement the LoggerInterface defined by the PSR/LOG
  • bufferSize: the Buffer of CachePool
  • prefix: A prefix name to compose the KEY physically
  • servers: An array of memcached servers. E.g.: [ '' ]
  • config: Specific setup for shmop. E.g.: [ 'max-size' => 524288, 'default-permission' => '0700' ]

Logging cache commands

You can add a PSR Log compatible to the constructor in order to get Log of the operations

See log examples here

Use a PSR-11 container to retrieve the cache keys

You can use a PSR-11 compatible to retrieve the cache keys. Once is defined, only the keys defined in the PSR-11 will be used to cache.

$fileCache = new \ByJG\Cache\Psr16\FileSystemCacheEngine()
$fileCache->withKeysFromContainer(new SomePsr11Implementation());

After the PSR-11 container is defined, when I run:

$value = $fileCache->get('my-key');

The key my-key will be retrieved from the PSR-11 container and the value retrieved will be used as the cache key. If it does not exist in the PSR-11 container, an exception will be thrown.


Just type:

composer require "byjg/cache-engine"

Running Unit Testes

vendor/bin/phpunit --stderr

Note: the parameter --stderr after phpunit is to permit run the tests on SessionCacheEngine.


Open source ByJG