
Guild Wars skill data

1.0.0 2024-06-13 16:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 14:00:55 UTC


Guild Wars skill data and skill descriptions for use with template decoders, e.g. in BBCode, Wikis etc.

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  • Guild Wars skill data
    • Skill descriptions for English and German
  • Toolset to add other translations (hopefully maybe)


  • PHP 8.1+



use Buildwars\GWSkillData\SkillDataAwareInterface;
use Buildwars\GWSkillData\SkillDataAwareTrait;

class MyClass implements SkillDataAwareInterface{
	use SkillDataAwareTrait

	public function __construct(string $lang){
		// set the language and initialize $this->skillData

	public function getSkill(int $skillID):mixed{
		// $this->skillData is now available
		$data = $this->skillData->get($skillID);

		// do stuff with the $data array
		// the available array keys are in $this->skillData->keys

The returned skill data array from SkillDataInterface::get(979) looks as follows:

$data = [
	'id'              => 979,
	'campaign'        => 3,
	'profession'      => 5,
	'attribute'       => 2,
	'type'            => 24,
	'is_elite'        => false,
	'is_rp'           => false,
	'is_pvp'          => false,
	'pvp_split'       => true,
	'split_id'        => 3191,
	'upkeep'          => 0,
	'energy'          => 10,
	'activation'      => 2,
	'recharge'        => 12,
	'adrenaline'      => 0,
	'sacrifice'       => 0,
	'overcast'        => 0,
	'name'            => 'Mistrust',
	'description'     => 'For 6 seconds, the next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...100 damage to that foe and all nearby foes.',
	'concise'         => '(6 seconds.) The next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...100 damage to target and nearby foes.',
	'campaign_name'   => 'Nightfall',
	'profession_name' => 'Mesmer',
	'profession_abbr' => 'Me',
	'attribute_name'  => 'Domination Magic',
	'type_name'       => 'Hex Spell',

JavaScript ☕

JavaScript doesn't have traits, so you will need to implement that part by yourself:

class MyClass{

	_languages = {
		de: SkillLangGerman,
		en: SkillLangEnglish,




			throw new Error('invalid language');

		this.skillData = new this._languages[lang]();

		return this;

		// this.skillData is now available
		let data = this.skillData.get(skillID);

		// do stuff with the data array


which outputs:

let data = {
	id: 979,
	campaign: 3,
	profession: 5,
	attribute: 2,
	type: 24,
	is_elite: false,
	is_rp: false,
	is_pvp: false,
	pvp_split: true,
	split_id: 3191,
	upkeep: 0,
	energy: 10,
	activation: 2,
	recharge: 12,
	adrenaline: 0,
	sacrifice: 0,
	overcast: 0,
	name: 'Mistrust',
	description: 'For 6 seconds, the next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...100 damage to that foe and all nearby foes.',
	concise: '(6 seconds.) The next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...100 damage to target and nearby foes.',
	campaign_name: 'Nightfall',
	profession_name: 'Mesmer',
	profession_abbr: 'Me',
	attribute_name: 'Domination Magic',
	type_name: 'Hex Spell'

PvP skill redirect

When the $pvp parameter is set to true, SkillDataInterface::get(979, true) will redirect to the PvP version of the given skill (if available, pvp_split and split_id):

$data = [
	'id'              => 3191,
	'campaign'        => 3,
	'profession'      => 5,
	'attribute'       => 2,
	'type'            => 24,
	'is_elite'        => false,
	'is_rp'           => false,
	'is_pvp'          => true,
	'pvp_split'       => false,
	'split_id'        => 0,
	'upkeep'          => 0,
	'energy'          => 10,
	'activation'      => 2,
	'recharge'        => 12,
	'adrenaline'      => 0,
	'sacrifice'       => 0,
	'overcast'        => 0,
	'name'            => 'Mistrust (PvP)',
	'description'     => 'For 6 seconds, the next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...75 damage to that foe and all nearby foes.',
	'concise'         => '(6 seconds.) The next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...75 damage to target and nearby foes.',
	'campaign_name'   => 'Nightfall',
	'profession_name' => 'Mesmer',
	'profession_abbr' => 'Me',
	'attribute_name'  => 'Domination Magic',
	'type_name'       => 'Hex Spell',

HTML tags in descriptions

The skill descriptions may contain the custom HTML tags <gray>...</gray> and <sic/> that you can either replace or use to style, for example:

<gray>No effect unless hexed foe attacks.</gray>

Each attack that hits deals +13...30 Holy damage <sic/>



(The API is similar for the JavaScript version)

Method Description
get(int $id, bool $pvp = false) Returns the data for the given skill ID, including descriptions for the current language
getAll(array $IDs, bool $pvp = false) Returns an array with the skill data for each of the given skill IDs
getByCampaign(int $campaign, bool $pvp = false) Returns all skills for the given campaign ID
getByProfession(int $profession, bool $pvp = false) Returns all skills for the given profession ID
getByAttribute(int $attribute, bool $pvp = false) Returns all skills for the given attribute ID
getByType(int $type, bool $pvp = false) Returns all skills for the given skill type ID
getElite(bool $pvp = false) Returns all elite skills
getRoleplay() Returns all roleplay skills


Use at your own risk!