
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Livewire calendar for Laravel

1.1.0 2022-08-10 11:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-04 17:32:45 UTC


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NOTE: This package is intended for my own use only, so a few things are very specific to my projects (e.g. importing .tsx & .scss uncompiled files directly).

If anyone is interested in making it easier to set up and more maintainable for a wider audience, please submit a PR or open a discussion!

Also, feel free to consider using the package on which this one is based as stated below.

Calendax allows you to build a Livewire calendar, filled with events of any kind. Events can be created from any model or dataset.

It is heavily inspired by Andrés Santibáñez's Livewire Calendar.



Table of contents


You can install the package via composer:

composer require brickx/calendax

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="calendax-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [


Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="calendax-views"


This package uses livewire/livewire ( under the hood.

It also uses TailwindCSS ( for styling. Please make sure you include both of these dependencies before using this component.



First, create a new Livewire component that extends Calendax.

You can use make:livewire to create this component. For example:

php artisan make:livewire MyCalendar

Then, in the created MyCalendar class, extend Calendax instead of extending from the base Component Livewire class:

class MyCalendar extends \Brickx\Calendax\Calendax

In this class, you must override the following method in order to implement custom logic for loading events:

public function events() : Collection
    // Return a Laravel collection

Also remove the render method, as it will be handled for you.

In the events() method, you should return a collection containing the events that should be displayed on the calendar.

Loading events (using arrays)

Events must be keyed arrays holding at least the following keys: id, title, description, date (which must be a Carbon\Carbon instance).

public function events() : Collection
    return collect([
            'id' => 1,
            'title' => 'Breakfast',
            'description' => 'Pancakes! 🥞',
            'date' => Carbon::today(),
            'id' => 2,
            'title' => 'Meeting with Camille',
            'description' => 'Random chit-chat.',
            'date' => Carbon::tomorrow(),

The date value will be used to determine to which day the event will be displayed.

Loading events (using Eloquent query)

You can also load values dynamically in the events() method. You can use the following component properties to filter your events:

  • startsAt: starting date of the month
  • endsAt: ending date of the month
  • gridStartsAt: starting date of calendar grid (can be a date from the previous month).
  • endingStartsAt: ending date of calendar grid (can be a date from the previous month).
public function events(): Collection
    return Model::query()
        ->whereDate('scheduled_at', '>=', $this->gridStartsAt)
        ->whereDate('scheduled_at', '<=', $this->gridEndsAt)
        ->map(function (Model $model) {
            return [
                'id' => $model->id,
                'title' => $model->title,
                'description' => $model->notes,
                'date' => $model->scheduled_at,

Rendering the calendar

Now you can include your calendar in any view using Blade components:

<livewire:my-calendar />

This will render a calendar grid.


Choosing the starting month

By default, the component will render the current month. If you want to change the starting month, you can set the year and month props.

<livewire:my-calendar year='2016' month='06' />

Enabling drag & drop

To enable drag & drop, include @calendaxScripts after your @livewireScripts directive.


Handling navigation

The component has 4 public methods used to navigate between months:

public function goToPreviousMonth()
public function goToCurrentMonth()
public function goToNextMonth()
public function goToMonth($month, $year = null)

For example, these methods can be used to build a navigation system using additional views. Check out below section for example usage.

Advanced usage

Blade customization

When rendering your Blade component, several additional attributes are available to customize the behavior of your calendar:

  • week-start to indicate the starting day of the week. It can be a number from 0 to 6 according to Carbon days of week (0 = sunday).

  • drag-and-drop-classes can be any CSS class used to render the hover effect when dragging & dropping an event in the calendar. By default, this value is border border-4 border-blue-400.

<livewire:my-calendar week-start=1 drag-and-drop-classes='bg-orange-500' />

Custom views

You can also use custom Blade views to render different parts of the calendar.

It is recommended to publish the base Blade views used by the component and extend their behavior and styling to your liking. To do this, please check out the Installation section.

Those views can be specified using the following attributes:

  • calendar-view used to render the whole component. Please check out the package's calendar.blade.php view to know which attributes are available.

  • dow-view used to render each column header of the calendar (typically containing days of week). This view will receive the $dayproperty, which is a Carbon instance of the associated day of the week.

  • day-view used to render each day of the month. This view will receive the following attributes:

    • componentId (the id of the Livewire component)
    • day (the day of the month as a Carbon instance)
    • dayInMonth (boolean indicating if the day is part of the current month or not)
    • isToday (boolean indicating if the day is today)
    • events (events collection that corresponds to the day)
  • event-view used to render the event card. This view will receive an $event variable containing its data.

  • before-calendar-view and after-calendar-view can be any Blade views that will be rendered before or after the calendar itself. These can be used to add extra features ( e.g. navigation system) to your component.


All custom views paths must be relative to the resources/views directory.


Several methods are available to interact with the calendar:

public function onDayClick($year, $month, $day)
	// This event is triggered when a day is clicked

public function onEventClick($eventId)
	// This event is triggered when an event card is clicked

public function onEventDropped($eventId, $year, $month, $day)
	// This event is triggered when an event is dragged & dropped onto another calendar day

You can override any of them to implement your custom logic.

By default, click and drag & drop events are enabled. To disable them you can use the following attributes when rendering the component


Automatic polling

You can add automatic polling if need be by defining a $pollMillis property in the Livewire component.

You can also combine it with $pollAction in order to call a specific action in your component at the desired polling interval.

To learn more about polling, please check out


To handle navigation between months, this package makes use of the Flatpickr library. It displays a calendar picker which is way more powerful than simple <select>.


First, add the Flatpickr library to your package.json's dependencies:

	"dependencies": {
		"flatpickr": "^4.6.13"

Then import this package's flatpickr.scss and flatpickr.tsx files to you main stylesheet & script.


@use '../vendor/brickx/calendax/resources/sass/flatpickr';


import calendax from '../../../vendor/brickx/calendax/resources/scripts/flatpickr';



You can customize the colors of the calendar picker to match your theme. To do so, simply override the Sass variables when importing flatpickr.scss:

@use '../vendor/brickx/calendax/resources/sass/flatpickr' with (
	$color-primary: saddlebrown,			// Basic color
	$color-accent: #FDBA74,				// Standard CSS color
	$color-contrast: rgb(118, 89, 71, 0.8),		// RGB color
	$color-range: theme('')	// Tailwind theme color


You can test the component using Pest by running the following commands, depending on your needs.

Standard test:

composer test

With coverage:

composer test:coverage

Parallel test:

composer test:parallel

Parallel test with coverage:

composer test:parallel-coverage


  • Ideally, users should not have to mess with their sass & script files in order to import the proper dependencies. Everything should be done inside Blade (at the very least importing styles & script directly in Blade layout). See:
  • Find a way to highlight events in Flatpickr component (so that users see immediately which days have events).
  • Handle Shields properly in Check out:
  • Create tests for Flatpickr component
  • Update for how to properly setup Flatpickr component
  • Add default navigation, ideally using a dynamic calendar picker (instead of basic <select>).


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.