
The Black Labs CLI.

v1.8.2 2025-01-29 14:55 UTC


Latest Stable Version

The Black Labs CLI, for our work.


  1. You must have git istalled on your machine

    sudo apt install git-all
  2. You must have gh installed for the create-release-branch command (it makes a PR for that branch)

    See the gh install instructions for Linux

  3. For the forge commands, you'll need to run blacklabs app:store-forge-api-token <token> first. It will be saved to disk, so you won't need to run it again (until your token expires).


Make sure composer is in your system PATH, and has the folders it needs for global installs: Composer Introduction, #Globally

composer global require blacklabs/blacklabs


composer global update blacklabs/blacklabs
blacklabs self-update

This command has been lately throwing an error about zlib or something. However, it doesn't appear to cause any problems.



Create release branch

blacklabs create-release-branch minor 1001,1002,1003,884,732,1234

This will make a release branch like release/v0.18.1/1001-1002-1003-884-732-1234 and merge each of those issues into it.

You can also specify the version number, like v0.18.1, and it will use that instead of incrementing the version number.

blacklabs create-release-branch v0.18.1 1001,1002,1003,884,732,1234


  • Use patch, or the next 'patch' version number, for hotfix or bugfix releases.

  • Use minor, or the next 'minor' version number, for feature releases.

  • We don't have a true purpose yet for the 'major' number, but the industry standard for Semantic Versioning is: use major, or the next 'major' version number, for breaking changes.

  1. First, it checks out the dev branch and pulls it, to make sure it's up to date.

  2. Then, it makes a new branch from dev like release/v0.18.1/1001-1002-1003-884-732-1234

    1. If it finds an existing branch by that name, it will ask you if you want to delete it and remake it. If you respond affirmative, it will do so, if not, it will exit.
  3. Then, it goes through each issue number provided and tries to find the branch for it.

    1. If it can't find a branch with that issue number in it, it will skip that issue for you to manually merge it in later.

    2. If it finds more than one branch with that issue number in it, it will ask you which one to use.

    3. Then, having found the branch to merge, it merges it from origin.


      This means each issue's branch needs to be pushed to origin beforehand.

    4. If it runs into a merge conflict, it will pause and ask you to resolve the merge manually. After resolving it, you can tell it to continue.

  4. Once the merging is done, it pushes the branch to origin.

  5. Then, it creates a PR for the release with each issue listed in its description.

  6. Then, it adds a tag as well for that version (and pushes it).

Show site branches

blacklabs show-site-branches

This command pings Forge for our servers with the 'console' tag, then displays all their sites along with the git branch they're currently assigned to.

This is mainly helpful to get a quick glance while it's a little cumbersome to click through Forge to see it.

Update site branch and deploy

blacklabs update-site-branch-and-deploy


This command pings Forge (if you haven't given the app a Forge API token yet, do that first: blacklabs app:store-forge-api-token <token>).

  1. First, it asks you which site to deploy to, out of the list of sites from Forge, filtered by sites that have the 'console' tag.
  2. Then, it asks you which branch to deploy. For the options here, it uses git branch -r (-r for 'remotes', showing only the branches that are pushed to origin).
  3. Then, it pings Forge to update that site's branch to the branch you chose.
  4. Then, it pings Forge again to initiate deployment for that site.

Deploy to production

blacklabs deploy-to-production
  1. It will warn you, and you have to type forge-production to make it go through.
  2. Then, it will ask you which branch to deploy, if you didn't provide the branch as the first argument.
  3. Then, it checks out forge-production, and merges your chosen branch in.
  4. Then, it pushes forge-production.
  5. Then, it checks out dev and merges forge-production into it.
  6. Then, it pushes dev.

Remerge release branch

blacklabs merge-and-increment-tag release/v0.18.1/1002-1003-1120-843-034 843,034

This just helps with merging in the issue branch, then incrementing the tag number. The Forge server handles auto-deploy on its own for this workflow. So, this command would only:

  1. Merge the specified issue branches in
  2. Increment the tag's deploy number (from the one found in the specified branch)
  3. Push the branch and the tags

Add or Remove Issues from Site

blacklabs site add-issues 388,3843
  1. It grabs the branch currently deployed to that site.

  2. It gets the tag from the package.json in that branch (I think; TODO: test that) and increments the prerelease number, for example:

  3. It comes up with a new list of issues based on the existing list in the branch name, and the ones you listed to add or remove.

  4. It creates a new release branch, incrementing the prerelease number (see Create Release Branch)

  5. It updates the given site's branch and triggers a deployment on it (see Update Site Branch and Deploy)

Checkout to a branch and handle the migrations

blacklabs checkout
  1. It checks if any migrations were made in the current branch, and, if so, runs migrate:rollback.
  2. Then, it checks out to the new branch.
  3. Then it checks if any migrations were made in the new branch, and runs migrate.


This command has a bug 🪲 currently, where it can't run migrations in multiple 'steps' (i.e. when you run your migrations using --step, or when you make a migration and run it, then make another and run it in a separate process).


Deploy process

php blacklabs app:deploy

This command does:

  1. Make sure you're on master
  2. Run tests php blacklabs test
  3. build php blacklabs app:build - give it the version
  4. Commit it
  5. Create a tag for that version
  6. Push tags (includes the master branch)

Features I want to add

  1. A command to switch branches of Console, but reverse any migrations unique to the current branch first. Then, run any migrations that the new branch brings in. There could also be a version of this command for the composer install and npm install.

  2. Laravel Prompts: this would make the CLI interactions prettier and nicer to work with, e.g. selecting 'yes' with the arrow keys rather than typing 'yes', when hitting the merge conflict in creating a release branch.