
A PHP library/collection of classes aimed to help developers using and undestanding immutable objects.Forked from ytake/valueobjects due to unresponve PRs and broken builds.

3.0.0 2023-10-23 07:49 UTC


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A PHP library/collection of classes aimed to help developers using and undestanding immutable objects.

This is fork of the educational package nicolopignatelli/valueobjects that aims to provide more functionality for basic tasks and act as a object oriented wrapper for PHP types.


Supports >= PHP 7.0

$ composer require bizmate/valueobjects


To run tests, checks and get a shell to the development environment you need docker, docker-compose and make.

Run composer and docker

Running make up will build the php docker image and run composer install as part of it.

You can also open a shell inside the container, for instance to perform some commands like composer changes and updates by running make bash

Run tests

You can run unit

make tests

code style checks and fixes

make phpcs and `make phpcbf

or the security checker with

make securitychecker