
Simple class for getting environment in proper type with fallback

v1.0.0 2023-12-04 18:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 20:29:05 UTC



Adapter for Nette so you can use *.env config files.

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The best way to install Bckp/Environment-adapter is using Composer:

$ composer require bckp/environment-adapter


This package is currently maintaining by these authors.

How to use

For use this adapter, you need to use Bckp/Configurator instead of Nette one. It will autoregister ENV extension support. After that, you can simply link some-name.env file and nette will inject env variables into %env%. The expected syntax is name_of_env_variable: ::{string|int|float|bool}(default: {string}, hidden: {true|false}) name_of_array_variable: ::array(separator: {string}, hidden: {true|false}, cast: {int|float|bool|string})

first entry is name of ENV variable, this will add %env.name_of_env_variable% to the parameters and get value using getenv('NAME_OF_ENV_VARIABLE'); next is :: that will tell adapter, we are working with entity, this is just shortcut to force nette get arguments using internal mechanism. after that, we have cast part, this tells adapter, what type of variable he should cast to, usefull as env know only strings, with this, you can have INTs, FLOATs, BOOLs and even ARRAY of INT, FLOAT, STRING, BOOL.

attributes inside

default: that is fallback, if no value is found using getenv.
hidden: if variable must remain secret, or we can burn it into generated container file (if we have password, we do not want to have it stored in PHP file, but kept it in ENV only)
cast: only for Array, cast values to specific type
separator: only for Array, used for explode

if you keep order of arguments same as Environment class expect, you can omit their names.

Example file

service_user: ::string(secret_user)
service_password: ::string(secret_password, true)
service_port: ::int(1234)
service_nonstring: ::nonstring(1234)
service_active: ::bool(\'false\')
service_array: ::array(cast: int)

with .env


will be translated to if none ENV

	'service_user' => 'someuser',
	'service_password' => Bckp\Environment::string('SERVICE_PASSWORD', 'secret_password'),
	'service_port' => 1234,
	'service_nonstring' => '1234',
	'service_active' => false # notice string false is translated to the boolean correctly
	'service_array' => [1,2,3,4],