
This package is to create permissions with enums


A Laravel package to easily manage Permissions with Enums and sync these permissions to your database. This package leverages Spatie/Permissions under the hood and is fully configured via the config file located at config/enum-permission.php.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Laravel 10.0 or higher


composer require althinect/enum-permission


Publish the configuration file (which is based on the contents of the file enum-permission.php):

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="enum-permission-config"

The configuration file will be published to config/enum-permission.php. Customize your permissions, models path, and other options there.

Configuration Options

return [
    'models_path' => 'Models', // Path to your models
    'user_model' => \App\Models\User::class, // Your User model
    'permissions' => [
            'method' => 'viewAny',
            'arguments' => ['User $user'],
            'enum_case' => 'VIEW_ANY',
            'enum_value' => '{{modelName}}.viewAny'
        // ... other permissions


Generating Permission Enums

The permission:make command (via EnumPermissionCommand) generates permission enums (and policies if requested) for your models.

# Generate for a specific model
php artisan permission:make User

# Generate with policy
php artisan permission:make User --policy

# Interactive selection of models
php artisan permission:make

Syncing Permissions to Database

The permission:sync command (via SyncPermissionCommand) scans model files for permission enums and syncs them to the database.

# Sync all permissions
php artisan permission:sync

# Clean existing permissions before sync
php artisan permission:sync --clean

Using Generated Permissions

// In your policies
public function view(User $user, Post $post): bool
    return $user->hasPermissionTo(PostPermission::VIEW);

Directory Structure

After generation, your files will be organized as follows:

├── Models/
│   └── User.php
├── Permissions/
│   └── UserPermission.php
└── Policies/
    └── UserPolicy.php

Available Commands

  • permission:make {model?} {--P|policy} - Generate permission enums
  • permission:sync {--C|clean} - Sync permissions to database


Generated Permission Enum

namespace App\Permissions;

enum UserPermission: string
    case VIEW_ANY = 'User.viewAny';
    case VIEW = 'User.view';
    case CREATE = 'User.create';
    case UPDATE = 'User.update';
    case DELETE = 'User.delete';
    case RESTORE = 'User.restore';
    case FORCE_DELETE = 'User.forceDelete';

Using with Policies

use App\Permissions\UserPermission;

class UserPolicy
    public function view(User $user, User $model): bool
        return $user->hasPermissionTo(UserPermission::VIEW);


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.