
Very simple QA for websites.

0.23.1 2025-03-05 23:07 UTC


Very Simple QA for HTTP

Check Pages

Heavy Development

⚠️ Use at your own risk. This project is under heavy development and is undergoing changes pretty regularly.


This project intends to provide a process of QA testing of a website, which is very fast to implement and simple to maintain. You write your tests using YAML and they can be as simple as checking for a 200 HTTP response on the homepage. PHP is working under-the-hood, but general use does not require you to know PHP.

Simple Test Syntax

Assert the homepage loads.

  visit: /

Assert the admin section is protected.

  visit: /admin
  why: Make sure the `/admin` path returns 403 forbidden when not logged in.
  status: 403

In a third test we can assert there is one logo image on the homepage, like so:

  visit: /
      dom: '#logo img'
      count: 1

Lastly, make sure there are no unprocessed tokens on the page (a.k.a. a substring does not appear):

  visit: /
      not contains: '[site:name]'

For more code examples explore the /examples directory.


Execute the following snippet in your terminal, which will install Check Pages in your home directory. Composer is required for this to work.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aklump/check-pages/refs/heads/master/setup-check-pages.sh)"

