
A Symfony bundle for EasyAdmin that provide a flexible content editor

2.0.122 2024-05-29 09:45 UTC


Adeliom Quality gate

Easy Gutenberg Bundle

Provide Wordpress's Gutenberg Editor into Easyadmin.


Installation with Symfony Flex

Add our recipes endpoint

  "extra": {
    "symfony": {
      "endpoint": [
      "allow-contrib": true

Install with composer

composer require agence-adeliom/easy-gutenberg-bundle


Use GutenbergField

Go to your crud controller, example : src/Controller/Admin/PageCrudController.php


namespace App\Controller\Admin;

use App\Entity\EasyFaq\Entry;
use App\Entity\EasyFaq\Category;

abstract class PageCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
    public function configureCrud(Crud $crud): Crud
        return parent::configureCrud($crud)
            // Add the form theme
    public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
        yield GutenbergField::new("content");

Create a new Block

php bin/console make:gutenberg

Then setup your form field


namespace App\Blocks;

use Adeliom\EasyGutenbergBundle\Blocks\AbstractBlockType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

class TwoColsType extends AbstractBlockType
    public function buildBlock(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
        $builder->add("left_col", TextType::class, ["label" => 'Left column content']);
        $builder->add("right_col", TextType::class, ["label" => 'Right column content']);

    public static function getName(): string
        return 'Two columns';

    public static function getDescription(): string
        return 'Make a two columns layout';

    public static function getIcon(): string
        return '';

    public static function getTemplate(): string
        return "blocks/two_cols.html.twig";

Frontend usage

In your template you can use these functions :

# This convert and render the content 
{{ easy_gutenberg(page.content) }}

# This render the blocks's assets must be called after 'easy_gutenberg'
{{ easy_gutenberg_assets() }}

Extra features

Add frontend assets

    public static function configureAssets(): array
        return [
            'js' => [],
            'css' => [],
            'webpack' => [],

Add backend assets

    public static function configureAdminAssets(): array
        return [
            'js' => [],
            'css' => [],

Add extra form themes

    public static function configureAdminFormTheme(): array
        return [];

Specify a category

The provided categories are:

  • common
  • text
  • media
  • design
  • widgets
  • theme
  • embed
    public static function getCategory(): string
        return 'common';

Specify variations

    public static function getVariations(): array
        return [
                "name": 'variation_with_bg',
                "isDefault": true,
                "title": "Variation With background",
                "icon": '',
                "attributes": [
                    "with-bg": true

Specify extra attributes

    public static function getAttributes(): array
        return [
             "with-bg" => ['type' => 'boolean']

Specify supports

Allowed supports are :

    public static function getSupports(): array
        return array_merge(parent::getSupports(),[
            'align' => false,


