
2Spark Repository Monitor Bundle

1.1 2016-02-24 10:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 14:33:06 UTC


This bundle is designed to provide you a summary of your deployed applications and your standalone bundles.


This bundle relies on the following bundles and components:

> - Symfony 2.7.* > - Spark Framework Bundle > - OldSound RabbitMQ Bundle > - Guzzle HTTP Client > - Knp Paginator Bundle

It also needs for deployed application that a /version route is exposed with the following structure in JSON format.

	build: "0.6",
	date: "2015-08-05 17:38:04",
	deployment: "successful",
	environment: "production",
	revision: "02df2d4"

Bundle Configuration

# config.yml
    ticket_manager_uri: #to be filled example : https://your-company.atlassian.net
    ticket_regex: "[a-zA-Z]+-\d+" #default value
    base_folders: ['Sites', 'www'] #default value
    default_shown_tags: 3 #default value
# routing.yml
    resource: '@SparkRepositoryMonitorBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing.yml'


The model is planed to use a ssh connection to perform the git command, but actually it relies on the project folders, and it infers that the clone is up to date with the repository.


I would like to thank two guys with who I worked since the very first version of the project.

Benoit Maziere:

> - GitHub: bmaziere > - Email: benoit.maziere@gmail.com

Abdoul N'Diaye:

> - GitHub: Abdoul N'Diaye > - Email: abdoul.nd@gmail.com > - Twitter: @AbdoulNDiaye