Popular Packages

  • Gherkin


    Psalm Plugin for Symfony

  • PHP


    WordPress function and class declaration stubs for static analysis.

  • PHP


    The Illuminate Testing package.

  • PHP


    The Doctrine Coding Standard is a set of PHPCS rules applied to all Doctrine projects.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-6 Cache implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • qossmic/deptrac-shim

    deptrac phar distribution

    Abandoned! See qossmic/deptrac

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-14 Event Dispatcher implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-3 Log implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-11 Container implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • psr-discovery/all

    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Doctrine2 behavioral extensions

  • PHP


    Laravel 5/6/7/8/9/10 HtmlPurifier Package

  • PHP


    Integrates Flysystem filesystem abstraction library to your Symfony project.

  • PHP


    Admin generator for Symfony applications

  • PHP


    Fast detection of composer dependency issues (dead dependencies, shadow dependencies, misplaced dependencies)