Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
PriceProductOfferGui module
608 090 0
MerchantProductOfferGui module
615 507 0
ProductOfferSales module
600 494 0
Laravel Wrapper for OneSignal.
241 283 121
MerchantProductOfferStorage module
629 596 0
Version Class for the Browser Detector
251 410 1
Rector sets to automate Craft CMS upgrades
129 260 18
MerchantProductOfferWidget module
624 491 0
Zend Framework 3 prototype for Zend\Permissions\Rbac.
1 087 144 30
PHP client for the Lightspeed eCom API
432 715 23
MerchantProductOffersRestApi module
505 240 0
OpenEuropa Webtools integration.
298 152 6
Light SAML Symfony bridge bundle
1 928 690 29
Performing any actions during the deployment process
37 910 230
Laravel Helpers for Non-Laravel Projects
523 294 284