Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
6 323 1
The 2LE's Bi Bundle.
0 0
The 2LE's bpmbundle. Manage buisness process based on workflow
8 0
Config Bundle
4 976 1
The 2LE's Credential Bundle.
20 359 3
The easy like Crud'it Bundle.
8 349 16
The 2LE's CruditPlatform Bundle.
5 158 0
Dashboard bundle, widgets
8 134 1
Dashboard bundle 2, widgets
6 370 3
17 653 18
This package allows you to attach files to entities
10 098 3
File Bundle
166 1
Email sender library
6 282 2
Import data from files (.csv, .xml, ...)
5 988 2
Invoice Bundle
19 1