

Installs: 6 357

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 8

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



1.2.1 2021-03-04 14:38 UTC



composer req 2lenet/attachment-bundle

Add to your config/routes.yaml ( no flex reciepe for the moment ).

    resource: "@LleAttachmentBundle/Resources/config/routing/routes.yaml"

Embed controller in a template

{{ render(controller('lle.attachment', {'item': item})) }}

Or with field if you want only an group of attachment

{{ render(controller('lle.attachment', {'item': item, options: {'field': 'pdf'}})) }}

Like that you can use "lle.attachment" action with EasyAdminPlusBundle:

    title: title.examen.show
        - { type: 'tab', id: 'documents', label: 'tab.documents', action: 'lle.attachment'}

Or with field if you want only an group of attachment

    title: title.examen.show
        - { type: 'tab', id: 'documents', label: 'tab.documents', action: 'lle.attachment', options: {'field': 'pdf'}}

Information: the lle.attachment is a alias of lle.attachment.show.action

Easy use

render the widget for upload:

{{ render_attachment(entity) }}

render the list (ul) for download:

{{ list_attachment(entity) }}

You can use several attachment on the same template

{{ render_attachment(item) }}

{%  for examen in item.examens  %}
    <h3>{{ examen }}</h3>
    {{ render_attachment(examen) }}
{%  endfor %}


with default value

        fallbacks: ['fr']
    directory: data/attachment #directory of files is registred
    show_list: false #show or not show the list of files (table) with uploader widget
    need_confirm_remove: true #modal for confirm delete or no

Thanks to use

pre load for list of entities:

If you list 20 entities with 20 call of {{ list_attachment(entity) }} you want 1 request not 20:


$this->attachmentManager->load(MyEntityClass::class, $ids);

exemple with EasyAdmin


namespace App\EventListener;

use App\Entity\Rapport;
use Lle\AttachmentBundle\Service\AttachmentManager;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Event\EasyAdminEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;

class RapportSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    private $attachmentManager;

    public function __construct(AttachmentManager $attachmentManager)
        $this->attachmentManager = $attachmentManager;

    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            EasyAdminEvents::POST_LIST => 'onPostList',

    public function onPostList(GenericEvent $event)
        if($event->getArgument('entity')['class'] === Rapport::class){
            $ids = [];
            foreach($event->getSubject()->getCurrentPageResults() as $item){
                $ids[] = $item->getId();
            $this->attachmentManager->load(Rapport::class, $ids);


add uploaded file in form

  • Add UploadedFileAttachmentInterface with UploadedFileAttachmentTrait at your entity
use Lle\AttachmentBundle\UploadedFileAttachmentInterface;
use Lle\AttachmentBundle\UploadedFileAttachmentTrait;
  • In your entity form add
$builder->add('uploadedFilesAttachment', FileType::class, ['multiple'=> true]);
// or (and) $builder->add('uploadedFileAttachment', FileType::class, ['multiple'=> false]);
$builder->add('uploadedFilesAttachmentField'); //optional (default is null)
  • Now you have to call addFileByEntity after persist (entity identification have to be create)
  • here an simple exemple with EasyAdmin:

namespace App\EventListener;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Event\EasyAdminEvents;
use Lle\AttachmentBundle\Service\AttachmentManager;
use Lle\AttachmentBundle\UploadedFileAttachmentInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;

class AttachmentSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface

    private $attachmentManager;

    public function __construct(AttachmentManager $attachmentManager){
        $this->attachmentManager = $attachmentManager;

    public function addFile(GenericEvent $event){
        if($event->getSubject() instanceof UploadedFileAttachmentInterface){

    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            EasyAdminEvents::POST_PERSIST => 'addFile',
            EasyAdminEvents::POST_UPDATE => 'addFile'
  • if you want you can defin the default filed in entity
public function getUploadedFilesAtachmentField(): ?string{
    return 'uploaded';
  • For validation use Symfony validator annotations or validator in form (Advice: if you use validator annotation create your own Trait)