Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Object oriented convention for working with Parameter
2 068 3
A chevere cache package
867 1
A chevere caller package
173 0
High quality library for building modern PHP
17 573 86
Typed template system
41 0
Map and Vector data structures
8 080 1
A chevere filesystem package
5 615 0
A chevere http package
4 851 1
A chevere iterator package
511 0
Strings with template tags support
8 254 6
Library around parameter-argument
7 721 9
Validated regular expression
8 096 4
Chevere router package
3 555 3
API spec generator for chevere/router
1 706 2
Generates documentation for Schwager API
868 1