Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Share content with another user on the community
4 535 3
Limit site access to a special group
2 448 1
Extend the functionality of The Wire
2 875 14
Organize to-dos in to-do lists
2 773 3
Configure step-by-step guides and feature introductions for your Elgg site
1 316 5
Provide an easy way to edit translations
3 148 11
Offers different community master features to support your users
2 065 13
Manage your widgets
4 022 23
Various Elgg widgets
3 320 5
Make a wizard to guide your users through the features of your site
6 677 9
Static pages for Elgg community
0 2
Overrides for Community groups. See README for details.
350 7
Community plugin repository
369 17
Custom hooks for solr search
338 1
Tools for dealing with spam on the community site
349 8