harikt member since: Oct 16, 2011

harikt's packages

  • PHP


    Provides HTML escapers and helpers, including form input helpers.

  • PHP


    The Aura HTTP package provides objects to build and send HTTP responses from the server to the client.

  • PHP


    Include multiple files from specified directories, in order, with variables extracted into a limited include scope.

  • PHP


    This package contains tools to describe and filter user inputs from an HTML form, including sub-forms/sub-fieldsets, fieldset collections, an interface for injecting custom filter systems, and CSRF protection. Note that this package does not include output functionality, although the "hints" provided by the Form object can be used with any presentation system to generate an HTML form.

  • PHP


    Installs Aura packages using the Composer defaults.

  • PHP


    Installs Aura packages to the Aura system "package" directory.

  • PHP


    The Aura Intl package provides internationalization tools, specifically message translation.

  • PHP


    The Aura Marshal package is a data-object marshalling tool; it takes results from data sources and marshals those result sets into domain model objects of your own design, preserving data relationships along the way.

  • PHP


    The shared kernel files for an Aura project.

  • PHP


    Powerful, flexible web routing for PSR-7 requests.

  • PHP


    Provides session management functionality, including lazy session starting, session segments, next-request-only ("flash") values, and CSRF tools.

  • PHP


    A SignalSlots/EventHandler implementation; with it, we can invoke handlers ('slots' or 'hooks') whenever an object sends a signal ('notification' or 'event') to the signal manager.

  • PHP


    A PDO extension that provides lazy connections, array quoting, query profiling, value binding, and convenience methods for common fetch styles. Because it extends PDO, existing code that uses PDO can use this without any changes to the existing code.

  • PHP


    Object-oriented query builders for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQLServer; can be used with any database connection library.

  • PHP


    Provides facilities to read table names and table columns from a database using PDO.