Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Provide integration with p-chess/chess library
28 3
Add an autocomplete type to forms
807 613 97
Automatic form for SimpleBus or Messenger
5 021 4
Pages management system built on top of Symfony CMF.
21 2
Utility for filtering/sorting with Symfony
6 489 8
Doctrine type for shortid-php
47 733 3
Symfony bundle for ShortId Doctrine type
42 662 12
An implementation of shortid in PHP
458 116 52
Ease file uploads attached to entities
19 474 660 1 878
An implementation of bower in PHP
101 440 474
A Symfony bundle to use in-memory repositories
80 6
Simple user provider for Symfony
13 177 19
Password reset for BeelabUserBundle
4 779 4
User provider for Symfony to access Regione Emilia-Romagna
3 412 3
Extension of SensioGeneratorBundle
33 893 59