PerryRylance member since: Jul 25, 2020

PerryRylance's packages

  • PHP


    An extension of PHP's DOMDocument library. This library implements many common jQuery functions, adds support for HTML5, CSS selectors, method chaining and performing operations on sets of matched results.

  • PHP


    A DOMDocument based form library, useful for quickly populating HTML forms, server side user input validation using HTML5's form validation elements, serialization, and error handling.

  • PHP


    PNG parsing and writing library (Incomplete)

  • PHP


    Prims algorithm maze generator

  • PHP


    Adaption of spatie/ssh which adds support for Windows.

  • PHP


    A small class implemeting the factory method using WordPress' filter system, designed for making WordPress classes extensible.

  • PHP


    A WordPress wrapper for perry-rylance/dom-form that allows you to quickly add forms and serialization to WordPress pages, for example, settings pages, tools pages or your own custom admin pages.

  • PHP


    A basic boilerplate WordPress plugin, including activation and de-activation hooks, first run, update detection, admin menu and script loading callbacks.

  • PHP


    This library handles client and server side record fetching, including search, sort and pagination. Please note that this package is still under development and is not usable presently. I expect this to be ready within the week.


  • PHP


    This library provides a means to do large batch processing when unix cron jobs aren't necessarily available. This is useful when you need to process a large amount of data, or carry out a time consuming task, where cron isn't available, such as on low tiered shared hosting.
