Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Plug DaData into laravel
333 1
Light-weight IPTC reader/writer
0 0
Http Cache Control layer for Laravel
743 1
Inarticulate is not Eloquent (Laravel Redis Model)
50 0
Internationalization Helper
394 1
Packages I might include to every Laravel application
348 1
Cast datetime with timezone for Laravel
664 2
Provide Laravel make:builder and make:collection commands
371 1
Laravel Notification helpers
413 1
Laravel Scout helpers
316 1
SendSay mailer for Laravel
646 2 mailer for Laravel
45 0
Translation strings parser and web editor for Laravel applications
2 126 2
Subscription management Laravel package
708 1
Zenit OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
600 1