
Laravel Notification helpers

v1.2.5 2025-03-14 06:57 UTC


Provides Laravel Notification helpers.

It supports few types of notification messages: mail, broadcast and database. All of it implements one contract, so we could build all these messages as one.

broadcast and database messages got unified payload format: Web Notification. This format is ready to implement on frontend.


Migrate column to json type.

php artisan notifications:json
php artisan migrate

Message Contract

All messages — mail, broadcast and database implements MessageContract, so we can build messages as one.

use Codewiser\Notifications\Contracts\MessageContract;
use Codewiser\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage;
use Codewiser\Notifications\Messages\BroadcastMessage;
use Codewiser\Notifications\Messages\DatabaseMessage;

class ReviewArticle extends \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification
    protected function build(MessageContract $message)
            ->subject('Article Review')
            ->line('You need to review article.')
            ->action('Review', url('/article', [
                'article' => $this->article->getKey()
            // Format as blockquote
            ->quotation('Silent is gold');
    public function toMail(): MailMessage
        return (new MailMessage)
            ->tap(fn($message) => $this->build($message))
            // Markdown table
            ->table(fn(MarkdownTable $table) => $table
                ->row(['Title 1', 'Title 2'])
                ->row([':---', '---:'])
                ->row(['Text 1', 'Text 2'])
    public function toBroadcast(): BroadcastMessage
        return (new BroadcastMessage)
            ->tap(fn($message) => $this->build($message))
            // Remove action button
            // Keep notification on screen until user closes it
            // Icon to display on notification
            // etc
    public function toDatabase(): DatabaseMessage
        return (new DatabaseMessage)
            ->tap(fn($message) => $this->build($message))
            // Use level to order database notifications
            // Create notification as already read
    public function toArray(): array
        return $this->toDatabase()->toArray();

Broadcast Message

broadcast message has payload in Web Notification format.

Database Message

database message (as a broadcast) has Web Notification payload.

This package provides extended DatabaseNotification class. Be sure to override User::notifications() method.

use Codewiser\Notifications\Builders\NotificationBuilder;
use Codewiser\Notifications\Models\DatabaseNotification;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany;

class User extends Model
    public function notifications(): MorphMany|NotificationBuilder
        return $this->morphMany(DatabaseNotification::class, 'notifiable');

Custom NotificationBuilder allows to order notifications by priority, scope query by notifiable, by notification class or by mentioned objects (see below).

Persistent database notifications and mentions

database notification may be marked as persistent. Your application may restrict user tries to mark such notification as read. And mark notification as read then user reaches goals.

database notification may be binded to a Model, so you can find notifications where Model was mentioned.

For example, notification invites user to review some article. The notification kept as unread until user reviews the article. Then article is reviewed, the notification is not relevant anymore.

use Codewiser\Notifications\Messages\DatabaseMessage;
use Codewiser\Notifications\Models\DatabaseNotification;
use Codewiser\Notifications\Builders\NotificationBuilder;

// Send persistent notification with mentioned article.
class ReviewArticleNotification extends \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification
    public function toDatabase(): DatabaseMessage
        return (new DatabaseMessage)
            ->subject('Review article')
            ->action('Review', route('', $this->article))
            ->persistent('You must review the article')

// Get unread notifications about an article
    ->where(fn (NotificationBuilder $builder) => $builder

// Later... mark notification as read if article was reviewed.
if ($article->wasReviewed()) {

To enable binding create a migration for mentions table.

php artisan notifications:mentions
php artisan migrate

Add Mentioned contract and HasMentions trait to every model, that may be mentioned:

use \Codewiser\Notifications\Contracts\Mentioned;
use \Codewiser\Notifications\Traits\HasMentions;
use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Article extends Model implements Mentioned
    // Provides mentions relation
    use HasMentions;

Previewing notifications

You may preview not only Mail, but Broadcast Notifications too — the same way.