
Add a general-purpose tools page to your Filament project.

Fund package maintenance!

dev-main 2023-06-26 16:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 18:45:22 UTC


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require z00f/filament-tools

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tools-views"


This package will automatically register a new z00f\FilamentTools\Tools page in your Filament panel.

Registering a new tool

You can register a new tool by calling the Tools::register() function, providing a Closure as the only argument.

use z00f\FilamentTools\Tools;
use z00f\FilamentTools\Tool;

public function boot()
    Tools::register(function (Tool $tool): Tool {
        return $tool->label('Clear Cache');

All tools require a label. If a label isn't provided, an instance of z00f\FilamentTools\Exception\ToolsException will be thrown.

The provided Closure will be executed via the container so you can type-hint any dependencies you need.

Tool forms

Each tool can contain it's own unique form. This form makes is simple to ask for input from the user and execute logic based on that input. You can provide your form's schema to the Tool::schema() method.

Tools::register(function (Tool $tool): Tool {
    return $tool
        ->label('Clear Cache')

To run some logic when the form is submitted you can use the Tool::onSubmit() method, providing a Closure as the only argument. This Closure will receive an instance of z00f\FilamentTools\ToolInput. This class extends Illuminate\Support\Collection so you are free to call any existing Collection methods.

Tools::register(function (Tool $tool): Tool {
    return $tool
        ->label('Clear Cache')
        ->onSubmit(function (ToolInput $input) {
            $tag = $input->get('tag');

            // Do something cool here...

Clearing form data on submit

By default, the state for your tool's form will be preserved between submissions.

If you would like to clear the data, you can call the ToolInput::clear() method from inside of your submit callback.

$tool->onSubmit(function (ToolInput $input) {
    // Do something with input here...


Rendering a custom view

You can provide a custom view to render inside of the tool by calling the Tool::view() method.

Tools::register(function (Tool $tool): Tool {
    return $tool
        ->label('Clear Cache')

Customising the column span

Each row on the tools page operates on a 12-column grid. The default width for a tool is 3 columns.

If you would like to customise the width of your tool, you can use the Tool::columnSpan() method.

Tools::register(function (Tool $tool): Tool {
    return $tool
        ->label('Clear Cache')


By default, all users will be able to access the Tools page. If you would like to customise this behaviour and restrict access to certain users, you can use the Tools::can() method.

public function boot()
    Tools::can(function (User $user): bool {
        return $user->role === Role::Admin;

If this callback returns false, the navigation items will not be registered and anybody trying to access the route directly will receive a 403 response.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.