
The PHP Script Framework.

1.0.0 2019-01-21 01:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 19:56:50 UTC


a php script framework.

This framework support MC(model and controller)/Command/Closure.

You can register yourself component in "/bootstrap/app.php".Next,you can use $app mount component to coding;

[1] Installation tutorial :

(1) first method:

1、clone this project:

$ git clone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2、load vendor:

$ composer install

3、cd root path:

$ cd yb-job

4、init project:

$ php init

(2) second method:

1、create project:

$ composer create-project ybscript/yb-job your-project-name

2、init project:

$ cd your-project-name
$ php init

Go here, this project is init.

[2] Here are some usages:

(1)、View all existing scripts:

$ php ybTask list


$ php ybTask

(2)、Script service operation:


$ php ybTask -p start


$ php ybTask -p stop


$ php ybTask -p flash


The flash operation is very important!

When you add the script configuration,You need to perform it;

[3] Simple example:

1、use closure(/console/closureFiles/closure/example.php):

$console->command('demo', function (\Inhere\Console\IO\Input $in, \Inhere\Console\IO\Output $out) {
    $cmd = $in->getCommand();

    $out->info('hello, this is a test command: ' . $cmd);
}, 'this is message for the command');

2、use command(/console/commands/test/ExampleCommand.php):

class ExampleCommand extends Command
    protected static $name = 'example';

    protected static $description = 'this is test example';

     * do execute command
     * example php ybTask example --param='hello,this param'
     * @param  Input $input
     * @param  Output $output
     * @return int|mixed
    protected function execute($input, $output)
        // TODO: Implement execute() method.

        $output->write('hello, this in example command');
        //get param

3、use controller(/console/controllers/site/SiteController.php):

class SiteController extends BaseController
    protected static $name = 'site';

    protected static $description = 'this is site example';

     * this is test command
     * example php ybTask site:test --param='hello,this param'
     * use getOpt() / boolOpt() /
    public function testCommand()

        $this->write('hello,this is site!');
        //get param

[4] Configuring a new script:

add a new script to "/config/task/handle.php";

you can choose the mode of swoole/crontab/nohup;

the mode of swoole can support millisecond;

[5] deep study:

console: https://github.com/inhere/php-console
