
REST and TypeScript generator for Symfony 6

Installs: 1 116

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.9.1 2022-07-13 14:05 UTC


Step 1: Run

composer req yauhenko/rest-bundle

Step 2: Add to config/routes/annotations.yaml two lines:

    resource: '@RestBundle/config/routes.yaml'

It will register /docs routes

Step 3: Create Types class in src/Types.php:


namespace App;

use Yauhenko\RestBundle\TypesInterface;
use Yauhenko\RestBundle\Service\TypeScript;

class Types implements TypesInterface {

    public static function registerTypes(TypeScript $ts): void {
        // register custom types here (optional)
        $ts->registerTypeOf('TBadge', ['notifications', 'shop']);
        // register interfaces
        $ts->registerInterfacesFromDir(__DIR__ . '/Entity');
        $ts->registerInterfacesFromDir(__DIR__ . '/Models');
    public static function codePostProcessor(string $code): string {
        // change generated TypeScript code here (optional)	
        return $code;


You can change path to Types class using yauhenko.rest.types_class parameter in config/services.yaml

Step 4 (optional): Configure config/services.yaml:

    # Enable TypeScript generation (default: true)
    yauhenko.rest.ts_enabled: '%env(bool:API_TS_ENABLED)%'
    # Types class (default) 
    yauhenko.rest.types_class: 'App\Types'
    # Path to controllers (default) 
    yauhenko.rest.controllers_dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Controller'