
Check the health of your TYPO3 installation.

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Watchers: 1

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1.4.0 2024-03-11 08:53 UTC



What does it do?

The TYPO3 extension "healthcheck" provides outputs, each showing healthcheck information for the current TYPO3 installation. The extension runs various probes which report back a status depending on success or error. This results in an overall Healthcheck result. The healthcheck output may be used by a variety of monitoring software like PRTG.



The extension is installable using Composer:

composer req worlddirect/healthcheck

ATTENTION: You need to configure the "secret" in order for the healthcheck to work. See Extension configuration for details.

Versions and branches

The master branch contains the latest version comnpatible with TYPO3 V11 and TYPO3 V12. There is a feature-v10 branch, which contains a backport of the extension to be comnpatible with TYPO3 V10. It misses some configuration options and new features of PHP (like Enums). It was made quick and dirty, just to have a healthcheck for older TYPO3 V10 installations as well. There will not be any updates to this branch, after upgrading all projects to v11 or v12 or ...

The TYPO3 V10 version will be a "0.xx.xx". The current versions for TYPO3 V11 and V12 have the version numbering "1.xx.xx".

Accessing the healthcheck

The Healthcheck uses a Middleware to render the output. In order for the Middleware to know that a possible healthcheck needs to be rendered, we use the extension configuration settings pathSegment and secret (as well as the output type).

The healthcheck can be accessed by a "path" using 3 parts. Here is an example URL:

  • 1. part: The first of the "path" is the "pathSegment". In the example this is "healthcheck".
  • 2. part: The second part of the "path" is the "secret". The example contains the secret "lkjl23wsdkjjlskdj".
  • 3. part: The third and final part of the "path" contains the name of the desired Output. In this case it uses "html" which represents the "HtmlOutput". If this part is omitted, the default "html" is used.

Returned HTTP status code

The returned response status code depends on the status of the HealthcheckResult object. If the status equals an "ERROR" a http status code 503 is returned. If the status is a "SUCCESS" a code of 200 is returned. This makes it possible to check for the http status code in order to determine if there is a problem with the healthcheck. No need to interpret the output. There are tools, as mentioned before which can perform checks for a specific HTTP status code. Or you build your own litte script to do so. 😃


There is an extension configuration as well as a TypoScript settings configuration.

Extension configuration

The extension configuration holds various settings, which need to be set in order for the healthcheck to work. Also showing debugging informations can be enabled.

pathSegment: This setting sets the 1. part of the "path" used to access the healthcheck. It's default setting is "healthcheck" and may be adapted by the user.

secret: As the output of the healthcheck is considered an information worthy to protect, setting a secret value is mandatory. Without it will not work and will not show an output. In the default settings there is no secret, which forces the administrator of the site to create one.

allowedIps: It is possible to limit the allowedIps which may view the healthcheck. Default value is "*" (every IP address).

enableDebug: This setting allows to output some more debugging information. E.g.: If you do not set a secret, the healthcheck will not show anything in the frontend. If you enable the "enableDebug" setting you will at least see a short message about the current error. Default value is "off" (0).

TypoScript configuration

The TypoScript configuration is used for any other settings. Currently there is only one setting for the HTML output.

backgroundImage: This setting is relevant for the HTML output and contains the background image to use for the HtmlOutput class instance.


In order to check for certain functionality, data or states we use Probes to do so. These probes have a "run" method which checks certain parts, and fills the probe's result with success or error messages. If there is at least 1 error message the overall status of the HealthcheckResult is ERROR.

All probes need to have the status "SUCCESS" for the overall HealthcheckResult Status to be "SUCCESS"!

The extension already provides three probes out of the box:

  • CacheProbe: Checks if all cache configurations are writeable
  • DatabaseProbe: Checks if the access to the database works
  • ExternalImportProbe: Checks the ExternalImport extension logs last entry for a failure
  • SchedulerProbe: Check if there are any scheduled tasks, which have a failure


TODO: What is the CacheProbe?


TODO: What is the DatabaseProbe?


TODO: What is ths ExternalImportProbe


TODO: What does the SchedulerProbe do?


TODO: What is a output?

The extension provides these output formats out of the box:

  • HtmlOutput: Renders a HTML page using Bootstrap 5 to display the HealthcheckResult. Showing a overall Success or Error.
  • JsonOutput: Simple JSON output which displays the HealthcheckResult as JSON.


TODO: How does the HtmlOutput work?


This extension is customizable in a way, that allows the developer to add new probes as well as outputs.

Add custom probes

TODO: Explain Interface TODO: Explain BaseClass

Add custom outputs

TODO: Explain Interface TODO: Explain BaseClass

Pausing a probe

A failing probe results in the Healthcheck returning a non 200 HTTP status code, in order to represent an error. Your monitoring software may check these values a lot. As a result incidents or escalations are generated (as well as a lot of e-mails).

There "Pause" and "Play" come to the rescue.

TODO: Explain concept of pausing probes.


This extension was inspired by the GitHub Gist of Axel Seemann (aseemann). For details on the Gist see here: healthcheck.php. Also did I take some ideas from the extension t3monitoring_client from Ringer Georg. For details on this extension see here: t3monitoring_client.


The credit for the images goes to: