wikichua / vam
Vue Admin Manager + CRUD Generator for bootstrap Admin Panel Platform
- barryvdh/laravel-debugbar: ^3.3
- illuminate/support: ~5|~6|~7
- laravel/helpers: ^1.2
- tightenco/ziggy: ^0.9.3
Requires (Dev)
- mockery/mockery: ^1.1
- orchestra/testbench: ~3|~4
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0
- sempro/phpunit-pretty-print: ^1.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-30 02:53:06 UTC
- A new Laravel related project (completedly new)
- Composer require laravel/ui (no need installing the auth scaffolding)
- A working NPM in your machine
- Knowledge in Vue Js, Bootstrap-Vue, Axios, Sass, & all Laravel stuffs...
Vue Package integrated
"@popperjs/core": "^2.4.0", "bootstrap-vue": "^2.15.0", "moment": "^2.26.0", "portal-vue": "^2.1.7", "sweetalert2": "^9.13.2", "vform": "^1.0.1", "vue-progressbar": "^0.7.5", "vue-router": "^3.3.1", "vue2-editor": "^2.10.2", "vuejs-loading-plugin": "^1.0.51", "vuex": "^3.4.0", "watch": "^1.0.2"
Current Edition
- Activity Logging
- Preset Authentication (exactly from Laravel scaffolding)
- Permission & Role (Authorization)
- Settings configuration
- Basic Users' Management
- Profile & Password Update
- CRUD generator (create components for CRUD, migrations, forms, controller, model, etc...)
- Datatable listing (using common table component in bootstrap)
- Able to delete row record (Authorization Gate included)
- Create and Edit form
- Text, File, Textarea, Date or Time Picker, Select, Checkbox, Radio, Editor and etc...
- Datatable listing (using common table component in bootstrap)
- Swal and Toast integrated
- Select, Radio or Checkbox options will be added to settings table during migration
- Select, Radio or Checkbox model options will be generated codes in controller and both create and edit component.
- Vue Select AKA Select2
- Additional fields to support
EditorSelect, Radio & Checkbox fetch options from ModelSelect2 or Datalist from Bootstrap-vue
Auth route configurable- Setting update push notification
- ...still thinking...
Setup new Laravel project in terminal
$ laravel new **project** $ php artisan storage:link
In your .env file
APP_URL=https://**project.test** DB_DATABASE=**project_table**
Back to your terminal
$ composer require wikichua/vam dev-master $ composer require laravel/ui $ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vam.install --force
In your app/User.php
class User extends \Wikichua\VAM\Models\User { use Notifiable; use \Wikichua\VAM\Http\Traits\AdminUser; use \Wikichua\VAM\Http\Traits\ModelScopes; use \Wikichua\VAM\Http\Traits\DynamicFillable; use \Wikichua\VAM\Http\Traits\UserTimezone;
Then you continue in your terminal
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan ziggy:generate
$ npm install --save --no-bin-links && npm run dev
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vam.install --force
You will see this..
Copied Directory [/vendor/wikichua/vam/resources/js] To [/resources/js] Copied Directory [/vendor/wikichua/vam/resources/sass] To [/resources/sass] Copied File [/vendor/wikichua/vam/package.json] To [/package.json] Copied File [/vendor/wikichua/vam/webpack.mix.js] To [/webpack.mix.js]
Scary but yeah, it does overwrited if you already had modified those in your files (Suggest to backup those before publishing with --force):
- resources/js/app.js
- resources/js/bootstrap.js
- webpack.mix.js
Optional Publishing..
If you wish to ammend the auth layout at your wish or even change the admin theme layout..
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vam.view
What about the config? Namespaces?
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vam.config
However, I prefer to use vam.config to toggle the availability for auth routes.
'hidden_auth_route_names' => [ 'password_email' => false, 'password_request' => false, 'password_reset' => false, 'password_confirm' => false, 'login' => false, 'register' => false, 'logout' => false, ],
So if you wish to use your own route declarations, just turn all of those to true..
This is how I normall do
art vendor:publish --tag=vam.install --force && art ziggy:generate && npm run watch-poll
Creating new module
$ php artisan vam:config <ModelName> $ php artisan vam:make <ModelName> $ php artisan ziggy:generate $ npm install && npm run dev
This is how I normall do
art ziggy:generate && npm run watch-poll
You may get the sample of config file once vam:config called. Do advise if that's confusing, I will then make a for that. In case of you getting "Config file is not ready". This indicating your config generated from vam:config is still work in progress.
'ready' => false, // set true when you are ready to generate CRUD
Once you have done your config, you can switch that to true. Of course after vam:make is done, this section will be turned to true automatically. This could prevent you from accidentally run vam:make again.
You may access with this auto populated login
password: admin123
Deployment issue
Okay! I love ziggy but for now, there is no support env detection or either I can't figure out other way of hack technique. But it's still good using it so all you need to do is
- Change you .env file APP_URL to your production DNS
- Npm run prod
- Push to your repo and all set to go
Sample of the vam:make output
$ art vam:config Test Config file created: config/vam/TestConfig.php $ art vam:make Test --force Config Test Found! Initiating! Model file created: /codes/vam/app/Test.php Controller file created: /codes/vam/app/Http/Controllers/Admin/TestController.php API Route file created: routes/routers/testRoutes.php VUE Route file created: /codes/vam/resources/js/routers/testRoutes.js Menu included: routes/web.php Vue component file created: /codes/vam/resources/js/components/test/ListComponent.vue Vue component file created: /codes/vam/resources/js/components/test/CreateComponent.vue Vue component file created: /codes/vam/resources/js/components/test/EditComponent.vue Vue component file created: /codes/vam/resources/js/components/test/ShowComponent.vue Menu included: routes/web.php Migration file created: /codes/vam/database/migrations/2020_06_05_000000_VamTestTable.php Since you had done make the CRUD, we will help you set ready to false to prevent accidentally make after you have done all your changes in your flow! Config has changed: /codes/vam/config/vam/TestConfig.php
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
license. Please see the license file for more information.