
Forked and tweaked version of ss3 gallery

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1.0.8 2016-04-18 12:32 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-27 07:56:16 UTC


SS3 Gallery

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##Introduction This gallery module enables bulk upload of images, and displays them using the jQuery plugin PrettyPhoto. It will by default try to import photographic metadata, including geographic location. A map can then be displayed along with the images from the photographic template.

Forked from https://github.com/OpticBlaze/ss3Gallery and adapted to use other modules from Web of Talent to aid rendering.


composer require weboftalent/ss3gallery

##Usage ###Uploading Images

###Editing Images For showing the main point of interest in an image, it is highly recommended to install the Focus Point module (composer require jonom/focuspoint). Below is an example of editing an image so the main area of interest, the head of the statue, is not cropped out.

![Automatically cropped image of the statue, around it's centre. The head is all but missing.] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gordonbanderson/ss3gallery/master/screenshots/crop001.png "Automatically cropped image of the statue, around it's centre. The head is all but missing.") ![Edit the focus point, in the case the face of the statue] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gordonbanderson/ss3gallery/master/screenshots/crop002.png "Edit the focus point, in the case the face of the statue") ![Same image but with it's focus point now on the face of the statue] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gordonbanderson/ss3gallery/master/screenshots/crop003.png "Same image but with it's focus point now on the face of the statue")

##Templating ###Maps When rendering a GalleryPage simply have $Map in your template.

##Extensions ###MapExtension (Enabled by default) Images can have their location edited, and also imported if the GPS coordinates are present in the EXIF data.

To remove this functionality add the following to mysite/_config.php


###ImageMetaDataExtension (Enabled by default) Creates fields for a number of photographic metadata fields such as aperture, shutterspeed and film speed. Also imports EXIF data when an image is written to the database and EXIF data has not previously been read.

###LatestGalleryImagesExtension (Enabled by default) This simply adds a template method allowing one to get the latest N images from the database. This might be of use for say a 'Newest Images' widget.

###AttachedGalleryExtension This optional extension allows one to attach a GalleryPage to an existing page type and render it inline. One can add GalleryPages in 1 of 2 manners:

  • Use the tab 'Attached Gallery' and select a gallery existing elsewhere in the site.
  • Add child pages, as many as you wish, of type GalleryPage.
  • In the page template for the relevant page type, add <% include InlineGalleries %> where you want to the images to appear.


  • SilverStripe 3.1 or 3.2
  • Mappable module
  • Page With Image module
  • Portlets module

All of these are automatically installed by Composer.


  • Focus Point module - images can be cropped to say a square, but still have the main focus point of the image visible.


  • It would be good to have versions of the template ready for popular frameworks such as Zurb Foundation or Bootstrap. I envisage likes of an extra tab containing a dropdown with a choice of templating/viewing library to use.