
Supplemental library for compiling Gnorm Twig files.

v4.0.0 2024-10-04 14:42 UTC


Implements the Twig functionality used by Genuine's Gnorm framework.


Gnorm Twig is a supplemental library for compiling Gnorm Twig files, providing various Twig filter implementations and a compiler script.


To install the project, clone the repository and run the following command to install dependencies:

composer install


The project requires the following:

  • PHP: ^7.4 || ^8.0
  • ext-json: *
  • twig/twig: ^2.15.3 || ^3.5.0

For development:

  • phpcompatibility/php-compatibility: ^9.3
  • phpstan/phpstan: ^1.9
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.6
  • phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5


The project uses several configuration files:

  • .ddev/config.yaml: Configuration for the development environment.
  • composer.json: Lists project dependencies and autoloading information.
  • phpcs.xml.dist: Configuration for PHP CodeSniffer.
  • phpstan.neon.dist: Configuration for PHPStan.
  • phpunit.xml.dist: Configuration for PHPUnit.


To compile Twig files, use the bin/compile.php script. It requires a JSON-encoded configuration and a build flag:

php bin/compile.php -c <config> -b <build>


Coding Standards

The project follows PSR-12 coding standards. Use PHP CodeSniffer to check for compliance:


Static Analysis

Use PHPStan for static analysis:

vendor/bin/phpstan analyse


The project uses PHPUnit for unit testing. To run the tests, use the following command:


Test files are located in the tests directory and follow the naming convention *Test.php.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow the coding standards, ensure all tests pass, and add new tests for new functionality before submitting a pull request.

Additional Information

  • The GnormCompiler class implements the CompilerInterface and is responsible for compiling Twig files. It uses the GnormTwigConfiguration class to decode JSON configurations.

  • The FedExtensions and Drupal classes provide custom Twig extensions, filters, and functions.

  • The FileSystemTraversal class provides methods to traverse the file system to find specific directories or files.

  • The .gitignore file includes common directories and files to be ignored, such as /vendor, /node_modules, and log files.

  • Unit tests have been added to ensure the reliability and correctness of the codebase.

For more detailed information on each component, refer to the respective source files in the src directory and test files in the tests directory.