
Use Google Recaptcha v2/v3 as form type with Symfony 6.4+, see v1.X for symfony 5.4

Installs: 40 406

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 9

Watchers: 1

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 0


2.0.0 2025-02-06 14:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 14:57:35 UTC


bundle version

Easy implementation of Google Recaptcha with symfony.


Before starting the bundle installation, you need to register reCAPTCHA keys here.

Use composer to install this bundle.

composer require victor-prdh/recaptcha-bundle

With Symfony flex

You can quickly configure this bundle by using symfony/flex:

  • answer no for google/recaptcha
  • answer yes for victor-prdh/recaptcha-bundle

If everything is good, you must have the bundle registred in the "bundles.php" file of your config folder ("config/bundles.php"):

return [
    VictorPrdh\RecaptchaBundle\RecaptchaBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Just add it if you dont see this line.

You can directly go to Usage section

Without Symfony flex

If you don't want / you can't use the flex recipe you can create a "recaptcha.yaml" file in your config folder ("config/packages/recaptcha.yaml"):

  google_site_key: '%env(GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY)%'
  google_secret_key: '%env(GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY)%'

Once you created this config file, you can go in your ".env" file and add this:

###> victor-prdh/recaptcha ###
#  <--- get keys here
###< victor-prdh/recaptcha ###

It's time for update the bundle, if you don't do it, your keys will not be used by the bundle.

composer update victor-prdh/recaptcha-bundle


Integration in Symfony Form

You have now a "ReCaptchaType" class available for all your forms. You can use it in your FormBuilder like a "TextType" or "PasswordType":


namespace App\Form;

use VictorPrdh\RecaptchaBundle\Form\ReCaptchaType;

class TaskType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add("recaptcha", ReCaptchaType::class);

        // If you want an "invisible" recaptcha protection use this:
        // $builder->add("recaptcha", ReCaptchaType::class, ["type" => "invisible"]);

Display error on your Twig view

Once you create the form, you render it as usual with Symfony. You can show it in your twig file like that:

{{ form_start(form) }}

    {{ form_row(form.recaptcha) }} 
    {# must be the same name of this put on the FormBuilder #}

    {{ form_errors(form.recaptcha) }}
    {# That will display the error of the captcha to user #}

{{ form_end(form) }}


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

If you speak a language without translation, you're help is welcome.
